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Tfilot Ve'Piyyutim Li'Mei Ha'Din - Handwritten on Parchment - Italy, circa 1754

Vendido por: $425
Precio inicial:
$ 200
Precio estimado :
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 20%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión

Tfilot Ve'Piyyutim Li'Mei Ha'Din - Handwritten on Parchment - Italy, circa 1754
The manuscript contains prayers and Piyyutim for the Days of Judgment.
For Rosh Ha'Shana: a Piyyut before the blowing of the Shofar "Hashem Be'Kol Shofar" and the prayer of the blower of the Shofar.
For Yom Kippur: "A confession that was used to be said on Yom Kippur", the Piyyut "El Norah Alilah" and "Verses to be said during the Ne'ilah before the blowing of the Shofar".
For Hoshana Rabba: "Yotzer for Hoshana Rabba".
At the end of the manuscript, three death inscriptions: "my souls cries … for my father … my mother … 5498 [1738] Daniel Chaim Castilagi … 5514 [1754]".
Booklet of [12] parchment leaves. 15 cm.
Nice, vowelized Acadian script.
In a parchment cover (original?).
Condition: Very Good.