Leilão 7 Rare and special items
Por Jerusalem of gold
Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem, Israel
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The Handwriting of the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Fetayah

Vendido por: $1 200
Preço inicial:
$ 1 200
Comissão da leiloeira: 19%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
19.4.16 em Jerusalem of gold

The Handwriting of the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Fetayah
A page with the writing on both sides of the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Fetayah author of "Minchat Yehuda". The page is text from his book "Beit Lechem Yehuda", a commentary on Sefer Etz Chaim of Rabbi Chaim Vital, in his handwriting, with deletions and additions between the lines.
As the title the Rabbi wrote: "Sh [Sha'ar] 37 Chapter 5". The beginning of the paragraphs are highlighted and stand out. The page is on a complete topic, in other words the novalle from the beginning of chapter 5 until its end.
40 rows in his handwriting. Most of the second page has writing on.
Rabbi Yehuda Fetayah (1859-1942), one of the great Kabbalists and one of the great sages of Iraq, a student of the "Ben Ish Chai". After he immigrated to Jerusalem in 1934 he learned in the Kabbalistic Yeshiva of HaRav HaSadeh together with his friend Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer author of "Kaf HaChaim". Author of the books "Beit Lechem Yehuda", "Matok L'Nefesh" on the Idra and other books. He dealt a lot with Tikunim and Amulets according to the Kabbalah, and for years dealt with expelling "Dibbukim" and "Ruchot Ra'ot", as he himself relates in his book "HaRuchot Mesaprot". During the Second World War he wrote Kabbalistc prayers and Tikkunim and organized prayer gatherings of the great Kabbalists for the salvation of the Jews of Israel from the Nazis.
The page is preserved in a new impressive leather cover with gilded writing and illustrations.
Condition: Excellent.