Leilão 7 Rare and special items
Por Jerusalem of gold
Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem, Israel
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Archive of the Pest Community - Important Letters and Documents - the First Half of the 19th Century - Signatures ...

Vendido por: $3 200
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$ 3 000
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IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
19.4.16 em Jerusalem of gold

Archive of the Pest Community - Important Letters and Documents - the First Half of the 19th Century - Signatures of the Rabbis of Hungary
Collection of documents and letters of the Pest (Budapest) community, from 1800 until 1845.
Important collection that includes letters from the leaders of the Budapest community; letters sent to them from other communities; reports and protocols of various meetings; notes, certificates and documents. These items mention and are signed by leaders and important people of the community. Some of the certificates refer to the leadership of important synagogues in Pest and the establishment of the great synagogue of the Neologs.
The collection includes some of the following items:
A. Letter to the heads of the Pest community by the heads of the Pressburg community. The letter is signed by three people: Rabbi Hersch yaffe of Pressburg (served as a Mohel in Pressburg and is mentioned in the Milah notebook of the Chatam Sofer); Rabbi Avraham Hersch Lvov (Parnas Ha'Medinah, Rosh Ha'Kahal in Pressburg during the time of the Chatam Sofer); Rabbi Chaim Brill (a Gabai in the Yeshiva of the Chatam Sofer).
B. An original will and testament written in 1831 in Budapest, four handwritten pages by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch ben Pinchas Blau, Shatz of the community.
Mentioned is "David Goldstein the son-in-law of the Dayan Shimon Kromney" - Rabbi Shimon Oppenheim (1753-1851) Rosh Av Beit Din of Budapest for more than fifty years and a disciple of "Ha'Noda Be'Yehuda".
One of the witnesses who signed the will is Rabbi David Goldstein - most likely the rabbi of the "Shomrei Shabbat" synagogue in Pest, a disciple of the Chatam Sofer. The author of the booklet "Kol Anachati" - a eulogy for his rabbi, the Chatam Sofer.
Complete stamps of the Pest community. Wax stamp of Rabbi Hirsch and of Rabbi Zalman Livor, who signed it.
C. Document from 1838, on blueish paper, about Kehila Beit Ha'Knesset". The heads of the community are mentioned and among them, Reb Gabriel Ullman, who is mentioned in the writings of the Chatam Sofer and who founded in 1872 a synagogue named "Chessed Ne'urim", which introduced the Vienna tradition, and was the basis for the Great Synagogue of Budapest on Dohany Street (the largest in Europe). Many signatures.
D. Document from 1829 about a joint organization of the worshipers of two synagogues, signed by Rabbi Shlomo Rosenthal of Budapest (one of the leaders of the Hungarian Jews of those days).
E. Two documents in a foreign language with Hebrew words about prayers and Piyutim.
Many foreign signatures, most of them identical on both documents. Among the signatories: Rabbi Shimon Openheim, Rosh Av Beit Din of Budapest, Rabbi Yisrael Azriel Brill (Dayan in Budapest) and Rabbi Yisrael Schweb. 1845.
F. Original Ketubah in nice handwriting (in pencil) from 1803 of "Reb Avraham ben Sheraga and Breindel bat Mordechai…"
The Ketubah is written in the handwriting of the undersigned: "Ya'akov Blau …. Of Semnitz …" The signature is unclear. Might be Rabbi Ya'akov Av Beit Din of Semnitz.
An additional signature: "Ya'akov ben Reb Zvi …" - Rabbi Ya'akov who was a Chazan and Ne'eman of the Pest community.
All in all, 25 documents, most of them in Yiddish, written on thick paper. On some of them there are complete wax stamps.
Size and Condition: Varying (General Condition: Good). The documents are bound by a nice cover.
Full details will be provided upon request.