Leilão #23 Jacov's Jewelry Sale of jewelry, collectibles and investment May 2023 at special opening prices....
Por Jacov Jewelry
HOLON, Israel

Our dear participants....

****Sale #23 is a jewelry, collectibles and investment sale.

****Large catalog at special opening prices.

****You are welcome to contact us on WhatsApp 972508899292

****Regarding any request for information, additional photos and questions. ************************************************** ************* ******

Participants who are outside Israel and wish to participate in our sale must send us an address in Israel where your winnings can be sent to this email: jacovjewelry78@gmail.com

Mais detalhes
O leilão terminou

LOTE 481:

1 NIS 1996 coin double the thickness of the official coin of Israel (collector's item)

Preço inicial:
$ 7
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
18.5.23 em Jacov Jewelry
identificações: Selos

1 NIS 1996 coin double the thickness of the official coin of Israel (collector's item)
5757 (5757) and abbreviated 5757 - is a Hebrew year that began on Sunday in Tashri, Orr on September 14, 1996, and ended on the 29th day of Elul, October 1, 1997.
Tishrei's birthday falls on Friday, 6 hours and 620 parts. Therefore, it is a leap year, it is a leap year, and it is 383 days long.
This is the third year for Shmitta, and the 19th year in the 304th cycle of the transition. This year's Nissan period is the beginning of year 17 in the 206th solar cycle.
This year is the year 1928 for the destruction of the house, and the year 2308 for the bills.
The State of Israel celebrated 49 years of independence on Independence Day 2017.
The item has been checked and approved at the auction house