Leilão 9 Israel & Palestine stamps & covers & a lot more. nearly everything up to $ 10 !!
P.O.B 1248 RAMAT HASHARON 47100 ISRAEL, Israel

We are in the stamp / auction business for over 40 years. With perfect 100% positive feedback on ebay ever since 1998.

We are APS members.

Mr. Baumstein is a member Y. Tsachor Expert Committee, the leading experts for checking the authenticity of the stamps and postal history of the Ottoman Period Forerunners, British Palestine and Israel including 1948 Minhelet Ha'am - Transition Period..

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Old Gruss Aus undivided PC from Hungary. The Synagogue seen on the upper left side. Posted 110 years ago/

Vendido por: $35 (₪130)
Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 19% Mais detalhes
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
28.11.23 em ISRASTAMPS

Old Gruss Aus undivided PC from Hungary. The Synagogue seen on the upper left side. Posted 110 years ago/
Condição:  Muito boa