拍卖会 213 International Fine Art
由 Hammersite 举行
40 Tagore str. Tel Aviv, Israel, 6920342, 以色列

This auction includes part of the estate of Esther and Salomon Goldberg. Their substantial collection was divided between three heirs in the 1980's. 

Esther and Salomon lived in Paris before and after WWII. During the war they hid in the home of Jules Cavailles and after the war they built an impressive art collection which included, among others, an important painting by Soutine (which was on loan in the Israel Museum of Art for many years). The couple was friends with Katia Granoff through whom they acquired part of their collection. Another part was acquired directly from the artists.

The auction also includes Russian art from the estate of Mordechai Perl, which was purchased by Albert and Olivia Amar in 1989.


拍卖品 36251:

Lyubov Popova (1889-1924), Suprematist Composition

售出价为: $5,000
$ 4,000
估计的价格 :
$8,000 - $12,000
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
28.11.22于 Hammersite

Lyubov Popova (1889-1924), Suprematist Composition

Gouache on paper


39 x 27 cm

Signed (lower right).

Provenance: The Eliezer Perel (1908-1994) collection.

Mordechai Perel by descent.

Purchased by Albert and Olivia Amar in 1989.

Note: Accompanied by a certificate from Patricia Railing, dated 16 August 2017, noting Popova's style and technique and ending with the following: "This Gouache is a magnificent experience of pure color in pure light, all of which turns on reds and their adjacent colors and tones between brightness and shadows".

Condition: For a detailed condition report, please contact us at info@hammersite.com
