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LOT 25:


Chiddushim, Shiurim & Drashos by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz

Vendu pour: $14 000 (₪49 882)
₪49 882
Prix de départ:
$ 10 000
Prix estimé :
$18 000 - $25 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 24% Plus de détails
16.2.25 à Genazym


Chiddushim, Shiurim & Drashos by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz

Altona-Hamburg, 1758-1761

A full volume of 230 handwritten leaves (460 sides) of shiurim on halachah and Shas delivered by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz to the talmidim in his yeshivah, along with assorted lectures for special occasions, as recorded by a talmid. The dates on the manuscript range from 1758 to 1761.

Manuscript content: Shiurim on Hilchos Niddah (25 leaves); Hilchos Ta’aroves (55 leaves); Hilchos Pesach (28 leaves); Hilchos Betzias Hapas (14 leaves); questions and chiddushim on Shas; disputes of the sages; commentaries on the parshiyos and haftaros.

Drashos: Including drashos for Shabbos Shuvah, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar and Succos; a drashah regarding writing a Sefer Torah; and a drashah in honor of the dedication of the new Jewish cemetery in Hamburg.

The following are examples of titles and dates appearing in the manuscript:

“Explanations by my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan…on Hilchos Niddah, which we began on Sunday, 20 Tammuz, 5519 (1959)” (24 leaves).
“Explanations by the great rabbi and wonder of the generation, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan…on Hilchos Basar Bechalav” (25 leaves).

“Explanations by my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan…on Hilchos Ta'aroves” (30 leaves).

“By my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan, - Hilchos Pesach” (28 leaves).

“Explanations on the halachos of Betzias Hapas by my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan” (14 leaves). This appears in a different version and with additions in Birkas Yehonasan (Warsaw, 1902).

These are all signed: “The youth Yaakov Cohen Moiz of Shleisingen. I wrote this here in Hamburg in the year of…1741” (this is likely an error).

“Chiddushei halachos on Maseches Brachos Ch. ‘Keitzad Mevarchin’ (7 leaves).

“Rabbinical Dispute on the sugya of a firstborn that fell into a pit, by my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan” (4 leaves).

“What my master and teacher, Hagaon M[oreinu] Harav Yehonasan lectured on Shabbos Chol Hamoed of Succos 5519 (1759)…upon giving the Sefer Torah to the shul…”

The above are just a few among many other examples.

Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz (circa 1694-1794), renowned by the title “the Rebbe Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz”, was the noted author of the foundational sefarim ‘Urim Vetumim’ and ‘Yaaros Dvash’. He was venerated for his genius, piety and sanctity, and his name was mentioned with awe by all Gedolei Yisrael. The Yismach Moshe remarked that had Rav Yehonasan dwelled in the era of the Rambam and Rashba, his genius and sanctity would have rivaled theirs (Chayei Yehonasan #25). Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik of Komarno inscribed in the name of his rebbi, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh of Zidichtov, “Who can express the genius and strength of the man of G-d, Rabbeinu Yehonasan who was privileged to glimpse Eliyahu [Hanavi], and if only I were as dust to his feet…” (Nesiv Mitzvosecha, Shvil Ha’emunah Ch. 6).

Rav Yehonasan Eibschitz’s yeshivah in Altona was the most illustrious yeshivah of his time. Thousands of talmidim who passed through its sacred halls and drew from Rav Yehonasan’s wisdom developed into the spiritual leaders of the next generation.

Maharam Banet, in his approbation to ‘Bnei Ahuvah’, writes, “Rabbeinu Yehonasan is the Rabbi of all Diaspora Jewry…and his Torah was disseminated by his thousands of talmidim, [who are] brilliant Rabbanim and Gedolei Hador.”

Altona-Hamburg, 1758-1761. Page Count: 230 leaves (460 sides).
Page Size: 16 x20 cm. All legible and easily decipherable.
Minor wear and tears on a few pages, but all text intact. Attractive new binding.

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