Handwritten and Illustrated Special Prayer Book for the Chazzan. Hamburg, 1829
Handwritten manuscript listing special prayers, and various readings used particularly by chazzanim. created for the chazzanim at the Ezras Achim congregation in the city of Hamburg, 1829.
The notebook is graced with an illustrated title page in colorful watercolor depicting the images of Moshe, Aharon and two lions.
Includes colorful initials, some of the initials were beautifully decorated The first letter of Birkas Hachodesh is adorned with a frame of leaves in red and green.
Title page bears the title “Seder Amiros Hachazzan” and then in the center, “This was made in the year 1829,” and “Made by Elchanan Ben Simchah zt”l in Hamburg” in the margin.
Includes Lecha Dodi, Mizmor Shir L’yom Hashabbos, brachos for the Haftarahs, Yekum Purkan, Hanosein Teshua L’melachim, Birkas Hachodesh, Yizkor, brachos for Megillah, and different Mi-Shebeirachs.
Pages 23-24 has a Yizkor list of members who have passed on.
rare uniquely designed paper windows to keep track of promised donations during mi’ sheberach upon receiving an aliya on Shabbos or yom tov. Appears right after the Mi-Shebeirachs’ on page 22.
Hamburg, 1820. 25 leaves. Page Size: 26x22 cm. Stains and signs of use. Minor tear with intact text on the first page. Worn original binding with no spine, with green leather sticker stating, “Member of Ezras Achim 1829”.
The manuscript includes additional useful items to aid chazzanim such as a double-sided copy of the Kel Maleh Rachamim, recited in honor of Jews who died sanctifying Hashem’s name handwritten on parchment , four different versions of Yizkor in Yiddish, and five pages of a calendar with molados for the years
(Provenance: Rabbi Shlomo Ben Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Carlbach; Av Beis Din Hamburg, Germany-Lakewood)
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