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Handwritten Letter by the Shevet Sofer to Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer
Letter in the ...

Venduto per: $6 500
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 3 000
Prezzo stimato :
$5 000 - $7 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23% Altri dettagli
28.12.21 in Genazym

Handwritten Letter by the Shevet Sofer to Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer

Letter in the handwriting of Harav Simcha Bunim Sofer, Av Beis Din and Rosh Yeshivah of Pressburg and author of Shevet Sofer to Harav Azriel Hildesheimer.

In his letter, the Shevet Sofer requests help finding an attractive, spacious apartment in the Batei Machseh neighborhood in Jerusalem for Harav Shneur Zalman, Av Beis Din of Lublin and author of Toras Chessed.,

The Shevet Mussar lavishly praises the Toras Chessed in his letter, recounting that he met him a number of times in Carlsbad and that, “...he was a wonder in my eyes and in the eyes of all who beheld him."

Harav Azriel Hildesheimer penned his response on the same letter. 

The Shevet Sofer, Harav Simcha Bunim Sofer (1843-1907), succeeded his holy ancestors the Chasam Sofer and Ksav Sofer as Rav of Pressburg and leader of the illustrious Pressburg Yeshivah. His influence spread throughout the entire country, and he cultivated thousands of disciples who grew into great Torah luminaries and Rabbanim of Hungary. Like his father and grandfather, he wrote extensively and left a vast legacy of Torah novellae. Among his extant written works are Shu”t Shevet Sofer, Chiddushei Shevet Sofer al HaShas and Shaarei Simchah al HaTorah.

Pressburg, circa 1893. Personal stationery, handwritten and autographed. Good condition.


What prompted the Toras Chessed to relinquish the rabbinate in Lublin and move to Eretz Yisrael?

The Toras Chessed departed Lublin suddenly in the year 1892 and traveled secretly to Carlsbad, Germany, and from there to Jerusalem. Until today, it isn’t clear exactly why, although the common assumption was that he’d been slandered to the authorities. Others maintain that the Toras Chessed was simply motivated by a fierce longing to move to Eretz Yisrael.

The Shevet Sofer’s present letter clearly indicates that there was a reason compelling the Toras Chessed to depart his city and position without warning. He wrote thus, “…because of reasons, he was forced to leave his place and to find a refuge in Yerushalayim.”

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