拍卖会 37 Herzl, Zionism, philately, Medals, Israel's wars, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Judaica, and more.
גוש עציון 2 גבעת שמואל, 以色列

Special Auction: Opens with a newly discovered historical treasure.

The main part of the auction presents items from the collections of Jacob Yablok.- VirtualJewishmuseum.com.

Includes, Philately Medals, Letters and Documents. From the beginning of Zionism. Anti-Semitism, Holocaust and Sharit Ha'plita, British mandate, Mapilim, Israel War of Independence, the Israeli-Arab conflict. And many more.

Among the items are also a number of very rare, historically important items.

And many rare or uncommon items, among many other interesting items.


拍卖品 44:

Photo - Zionist youth movement, 'Gordonia' Tarnopol Galicia 1923

售出价为: $50
$ 50
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

Photo - Zionist youth movement, 'Gordonia' Tarnopol Galicia 1923
A Zionist youth movement, Gordonia was established in 1923 in Galicia. It was named for, and inspired by Aaron David Gordon, a Zionist who believed in individual self-realization and national survival. They aspired to a reborn Jewish people who would live on and work the Land of Israel. They were an- ti-Marxist and appealed to lower-class working youth. The movement spread from Galicia and numbered as many as 40,000 members.
This original photo of a member group from Tarnopol poses with a photo of Gordon.
10x14.5 cm. Very good condition.
Item from the collections of Jacob Yablok - VirtualJewishmuseum.com.
The item is placed in a quality proactive nylon sleeve and can be easily and safely taken out from the display page. Displayed on a thin cardboard sheet with an explanation and photos on the background of Israel's flag.
