拍卖会 21 Zionism, IDF, Israeliana, Judaica, Art, jewelry, and more
Hanasie 43, Givaat Shmuel, 以色列

拍卖品 23:

Temple Mount, Omar Mosque - miniature painting on crystal, antique box - late 19th or early 20th century

$ 150
拍卖行佣金: 15%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

Temple Mount, Omar Mosque - miniature painting on crystal, antique box - late 19th or early 20th century
A small crystal box with a handmade miniature painting of the Omar Mosque with the caption in French: Mosquee D'omar
The frame and legs of the box are made of gilded copper, on its four sides are made of transparent crystal panels, the painting of the mosque serves as the lid of the box, the bottom is made of tin with remnants of velvet upholstery
Dimensions of the painted crystal panel 4.5x7.5 cm. Height 8 cm. Width 9.5x6.5 cm
Very good condition, minor wear