Auktion 541
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal

EXHIBITION: April 8th - 19th

Mon to Fri: 10h30 - 13h00, 14h30 - 19h00

Sat: 10h30 - 13h00

Calçada do Combro, 50, 1200-115 Lisbon, Portugal

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LOS 14:

BARROS ( R. P. Manoel). SUMMA BREVE dos casos Reservados do Arcebispado de Braga.. Coimbra: Officina de Joseph ...

Verkauft für: €55
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€10 - €15
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17%
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19.4.24 bei Ecléctica Leilões

BARROS ( R. P. Manoel). SUMMA BREVE dos casos Reservados do Arcebispado de Braga.. Coimbra: Officina de Joseph Ferreyra, 1681.
BARROS ( R. P. Manoel)
SUMMA BREVE dos casos Reservados do Arcebispado de Braga.. Coimbra: Officina de Joseph Ferreyra, 1681.

A-D8,[ ]2, A-F8, G4; 62, [2 br.], [4], 102, [2] pp. 145mm.

Second edition, the first to include a second work with the title: «TREATY of Notices of Confessors, ordered by order of the Most Reverend SD Fr. Bertholomeu dos Martyres, Archbishop, & Senhor de Braga, Primáz. Second time printed, at the expense of Manoel Correa Pereyra, book merchant from the city of Braga. In Coimbra: Na Officina de Joseph Ferreira, 1681» and which occupies the final 102 pp of the volume. Unusual.