Auktion 541
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal

EXHIBITION: April 8th - 19th

Mon to Fri: 10h30 - 13h00, 14h30 - 19h00

Sat: 10h30 - 13h00

Calçada do Combro, 50, 1200-115 Lisbon, Portugal

Die Auktion ist beendet

LOS 6:

NUNES (Pedro). LIBRO de Algebra en Arithmetica y Geometria. En Anvers. 1567.

Verkauft für: €12 000
Geschätzter Preis :
€400 - €500
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17%
MwSt: 23% Nur auf die Provision!
Ausländische Benutzer können gemäß der jeweiligen Steuervorschriften gegebenenfalls von Steuerzahlungen befreit werden
19.4.24 bei Ecléctica Leilões

NUNES (Pedro). LIBRO de Algebra en Arithmetica y Geometria. En Anvers. 1567.
NUNES (Pedro)
LIBRO de Algebra en Arithmetica y Geometria. Compuesto por el Doctor Pedro Nuñez, Cosmographo Mayor del Rey de Portugal, y Cathedratico Jubilado en la Cathedra de Mathematicas en la Universidade de Coymbra. En Anvers: En Casa de los Herederos d' Arnoldo Birckman, 1567.

a-b8, A-Z8, a-v8, x3; [16], 341 ff.; 160 mm. Contemporary full vellum; trimmed; contemporary manuscripts notes on margins.

FIRST EDITION of one of Pedro Nunes' most important works. Written around 1534 in his mother tongue, the text was circulated in manuscript, having been added to over the years by the mathematician and translated into Castilian. It was at that time that he edited it in Antwerp. "The Book of Algebra is notable in several ways. Firstly, because it reveals that Pedro Nunes' mathematical competence was much broader than just the mastery of aspects of plane and spherical geometry, which are the basis of all studies of theoretical navigation and mathematical astronomy. Furthermore, Pedro Nunes treats algebraic issues with an abstraction unusual for his time and presents some very interesting innovations." (cf. BN) The work was well known and recognized by his contemporaries, with translations into Latin and French, inspiring some European mathematicians such as Jacques Peletier or Guillaume Gosselin. Rare and important.

¶ Veja-se site BN: