Auktion 498 Guedes Rodrigues' Private Collection
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal
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LOS 45:

PRADO (Fr. João de S. José do). MONUMENTO Sacro da [...] Santa Basilica do Real [de Mafra]. Lisboa. 1751.

Verkauft für: €420
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€300 - €500
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17.3.23 bei Ecléctica Leilões

PRADO (Fr. João de S. José do). MONUMENTO Sacro da [...] Santa Basilica do Real [de Mafra]. Lisboa. 1751.
PRADO (Fr. João de S. José do)
MONUMENTO Sacro da Fabrica, e Solemnissima Sagraçaõ da Santa Basilica do Real Convento, que junto à Villa de Mafra Dedicou a N.Senhora, e Santo Antonio A Magestade Augusta do Maximo Rey D.Joaõ V. Lisboa: Na Officina de Miguel Rodrigues, 1751.

[ ], *, §, §ii, §iii, §iv, A-Z, Aa-Pp2; [24], 152 pp., 3 grav.: il.; 320 mm.

Of all the author's works, this is the most esteemed since it is the least doctrinal, dedicating itself almost exclusively to the religious ceremonies of the Consecration of the Basilica of Mafra. It is enriched with 3 beautiful engravings open with burin in copper plate, the first a plan of part of the Convent, the second a plan of the Basilica, and a third of large dimensions representing the entire façade of the convent, with the interesting detail of having glued the floor plan of the atrium and staircase in place of the entrance. VERY RARE.

¶ Inocêncio, v.3, p. 391; Xavier da Costa, 2392