Auktion 498 Guedes Rodrigues' Private Collection
Von Ecléctica Leilões
Rua Luísa Todi 12G | 2925-568 Azeitão, Portugal
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LOS 6:

HISTORIA Completa das Inquisições de Italia, Hespanha, e Portugal. Lisboa. 1821.

Verkauft für: €300
Geschätzter Preis :
€40 - €80
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17%
MwSt: 23% Nur auf die Provision!
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17.3.23 bei Ecléctica Leilões

HISTORIA Completa das Inquisições de Italia, Hespanha, e Portugal. Lisboa. 1821.
HISTORIA Completa das Inquisições de Italia, Hespanha, e Portugal. Lisboa: Na Nova Typographia Maigrense, 1821.

X, 294 pp., 7 est.: il.; 210 mm.

First edition. The work was hugely successful at the time, with several editions published in the same year as the first. Segundo Inocêncio is a translation of the work with the same title written by La Vallé in 1809. The work was prohibited by Rome, integrating the Index by decree of 1825. Illustrated with 7 engravings printed separately. Unusual.