拍卖会 2 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Judaica, and more
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列
The auction will take place on Tuesday, june 30, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 56:

Documents about Nazi crimes. Poland, 1946 - Rare publication

售出价为: $120
$ 120
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
30.7.19于 DYNASTY

Documents about Nazi crimes. Poland, 1946 - Rare publication

dokumenty zbrodni hitlerowskich - Documents on Nazi Crimes by Jan Farfus  published by Schweinfurter Druckerei  [1946]. Polish.

A rare and early publication exposing Nazi crimes in concentration and extermination camps. Was published on Polish soil a few months after the end of the war. Accompanied by numerical data about the victims and hard photographs from the Auschwitz and Dachau camps, Jews at forced labor in the Lodz ghetto, and photographs from the liberation of the camps. On the cover an SS soldier with a hand grenade, with a bloodstained woman in his other hand, with bloodied dead at his feet, and in the background electrocuted to death on the barbed wire and the crematorium smoke. Unknown in bibliography.

A rare publication does not appear in the National Library. Only two copies in OCLC in the National Library of Poland, and the other at the Holocaust Museum in Washington.

48 pages. 20 cm. title page partly missing - restored, stains. condition: moderate-fine.