拍卖会 2 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Judaica, and more
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列
The auction will take place on Tuesday, june 30, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 61:

Collection of slides - the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Majdanek

售出价为: $180
$ 100
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
30.7.19于 DYNASTY

Collection of slides - the Nazi concentration and extermination camp Majdanek

A complete set of 37 slides with photographs from the Majdanek death camp during his Nazi control, KZPGum Publishing.

Among: Jews being led from the train into the camp, Jews on the wooden planks, abuse of SS officers, forced labor, Jews in cattle train, Jews being bound to captivity, prisoners in prison garb, watchtowers, the crematorium, The camp monument and clothing details Taken after his liberation.

Majdanek - a Nazi concentration and extermination camp located four kilometers from the center of Lublin, Poland, which operated from 1941-1944. The a buildings of the camp survived the war and, unlike other camps, were not exterminated by the Nazis. Between April 1942 and July 1944, extermination was carried out in Majdanek in gas chambers and crematoria. The victims were murdered upon their arrival at the camp. The number of victims is estimated at 200,000. The number of Jews who perished in the camp is estimated at 80,000. 

37 slides in total, 5x5 cm. Numbered, are in an original plastic box. fine condition.