拍卖会 1 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, posters, lithographs, etchings, objects, Seforim, Chabad, letters of rabbis, manuscripts and more.
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列

The auction will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time). With a proclamation.


拍卖品 38:

La Libre Parole, two issues / postcards Edward Drumont

售出价为: $50
$ 50
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
14.5.19于 DYNASTY

La Libre Parole, two issues / postcards Edward Drumont

Two issues of La Libre Parole edited by the propagandist journalist Edward Drumont, founder of the Anti-Semitic League in France. / Three postcards about Drumont and the newspaper he published.

* Two issues of La Libre Parole from November 30, 1895,and  January 30, 1897.
The newspaper was published as a weekly by journalist Edward Drumont (1844-1917). On the title page of each issue an anti-Semitic caricature is usually printed in color. And virulent anti-Semitic articles.

* Three early postcards [around 1900], The character of Drumont appears from his newspaper, in the two other different types hold and read his newspaper..

Edouard Dremon [1844-1917] Editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole ("The Free Word"), whose slogan was "France for the French!" ("La France aux Français"). His paper was the first to publish the arrest of Alfred Dreyfus. [On 1 November 1894 he published the front page of the news of Dreyfus' arrest. Drumont was proud of the contribution of his articles and his newspaper to the prevention of what he called "the fall of France by the Jews." The obsessive virulence of Dremont's articles during the Dreyfus Affair caused a significant increase in the sales of his newspaper, which reached 100,000 copies this time].

Drumont was popularized by his inciting anti-Jewish and capitalist messages, and by his belligerent and enthusiastic rhetoric. Boasted that he had become a "pope of anti-Semitism." His views echoed beyond the borders of France, and they influenced the policy of the Vichy regime and the Nazi collaborators in France during the Second World War.

See also previous item.

Very fine condition.
