拍卖会 1 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, posters, lithographs, etchings, objects, Seforim, Chabad, letters of rabbis, manuscripts and more.
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列

The auction will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time). With a proclamation.


拍卖品 25:

'Le Perelin' Newspaper Describing General Allenby's Entering the Gates of Jerusalem,December 1917

售出价为: $100
$ 100
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
14.5.19于 DYNASTY

'Le Perelin' Newspaper Describing General Allenby's Entering the Gates of Jerusalem,December 1917

French newspaper Le Perelin from December 30 1917 covering General Allenby's arrival at the gates of Jerusalem [revue illustree de la semaine 'Coverage of the Week Events of the Week'].

Extensive newspaper coverage accompanied by photographs depicting Allenby's entrance into the gates of the Old City. Large, impressive picture - across two pages - of Allenby at the entrance to Jaffa gate, at the reception by leaders of the various religions, surrounded by lines of soldiers, British flags and throngs of people who came to see the celebratory event.

Despite Allenby's mastery of horseback warfare, he chose to dismount before entering Jerusalem through Jaffa Gate, in deference to the holy city. After his visit, he noted in his official report: 'I officially entered the city on December 11 at midday with a number of my staff, the French Division and the Italian Division ... The procession was entirely on foot ...' as is reflected in the pictures in the newspaper before us.

16 leaves. 26 cm. Stains, fine condition. The middle pages of the paper issues that were not cut in print.
Attached a page from the newspaper LE PAYS DE FRANCE, which contains a large photograph of Allenby's entry through the Jaffa Gate [photo witch was published on postcards from the period].
