Vente 26 Eretz Israel, anti-Semitism, Holocaust, postcards and photographs, Travel books, autographs, Judaica
Avraham Ferrara 1, Jerusalem, Israël
The auction will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 19:00 (Israel time).
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LOT 60:

Guide to the Jewish Question - The Basic Book of Nazi Anti-Semitism. Hamburg 1919

Vendu pour: $320
Prix de départ:
$ 200
Commission de la maison de ventes: 23%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
2.7.24 à DYNASTY

Guide to the Jewish Question - The Basic Book of Nazi Anti-Semitism. Hamburg 1919

"Handbuch der Judenfrage: Eine Zusammenstellung das wichtigsten Tatsachen zur Beurteilung des jüdischen Volkes" - "The Guide to the Jewish Question - a collection of the most important facts for evaluating the Jewish people" by Theodor Fritsch. Hamburg, 1919. German. "Jews in Eastern Europe live solely under the rule of the Talmud and feel no connection to the country in which they live... and view their fellow citizens as impure creatures" - The book is an anti-Semitic guide based on ancient beliefs that contributed significantly to the persecution of Jews in Europe. In this edition, new accusations were added against Jews, linking them to their alleged involvement in the Russian Revolution of 1917 and claiming Jewish control over the economy in Germany, Poland, and over all commercial and economic life in America.

The book by the antisemitic propagandist Theodor Fritsch in which he outlines the principles of racial theory and warns of the "Jewish danger" of world domination, trying by every possible means to convince the reader that "the Jews are the disaster for all" in Europe and the whole world. The cover design is intended to illustrate the message: the Jewish snake encircling the globe. Throughout the pages of the book, Fritsch tries to present hatred of Jews as an obvious conclusion from the biological fact, rather than a result of subjective views and worldviews. The book has several editions, with the author "updating" the antisemitic claims in each edition according to the political and global developments of the period. In this edition, the author elaborates on the part played by Jews in the Russian Revolution of 1917-1919, accusing Jews of "succeeding in destroying Russian industry in one year...almost everything called a workers' and soldiers' council consisted of Jews...the result of a year and a half of unlimited rule of Jewry over a vast empire is its destruction to the core...the western and southern provinces of Russia are full of Jews who have taken complete control of trade at the expense of the rest of the population. The Jewish trader deals in everything. There is no commodity he does not buy, no deal that promises any advantage that he does not undertake. Today he trades in grain, tomorrow in milk; the day after tomorrow he moves on to trading in wood or lending money at high rates...". The author further accuses Jews of taking over the German economy through Jewish lawyers. He claims that the Jews transferred their model of takeover from Russia to Germany. He also claims that in Poland there is no field of occupation that is not controlled by Jews. And that in every field the Jew serves as an intermediary and charges a high fee from both sides between whom he mediates.

The entire book is written in a biting manner with the aim of causing the reader to mark the Jew as the source of all evil in the world, with the author repeatedly returning to the idea of the "Jewish character" as something unchangeable, and as the source of the destruction of civilization, and more.

In this edition, the author apologizes again and again for the fact that he could not provide certain details about Jews in previous editions, but now he has complete lists of "Jewish rulers" in the countries of the world, and he brings these lists here. It is evident that the author was not satisfied enough with the initial defamatory editions he published, and constantly strove to invent more and more "updated" antisemitic claims for the time of writing the book, supporting them with quotes about the Jewish character from 19th century antisemitic thinkers. At the end of the book is a long list of antisemitic writings.

The work before us is considered one of the most dangerous and harsh antisemitic publications ever written. Fritsch, a German publisher and journalist, authored several antisemitic books that became the foundational works of the Nazi Party and greatly influenced the shaping of German society in the early 20th century in the spirit of hatred of Jews, and he directly caused the persecution of European Jews. On the political level, Fritsch worked to unite all the antisemitic parties in Germany into one front, and in 1912 Fritsch founded the Reichshammerbund as a collective antisemitic movement. In the general elections of May 1924, Fritsch was elected to serve as a member of the National Socialist Freedom Movement, a party formed in alliance with the DFVP by the Nazis as a legal means for elections after the Nazi party was banned.

660 p. Complete edition with correction page. wear on cover margins. Minor spine tears. Book body in good condition.