Vente 24 Eretz Israel, anti-Semitism, Holocaust, postcards and photographs, Travel books, autographs, Judaica
Avraham Ferrara 1, Jerusalem, Israël

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LOT 17:

Rare photo booklet encouraging Hebrew immigration to Israel, The Netherlands 1961

Vendu pour: $170 (₪629)
Prix de départ:
$ 150
Commission de la maison de ventes: 23%
TVA: 17% Seulement sur commission
29.1.24 à DYNASTY

Rare photo booklet encouraging Hebrew immigration to Israel, The Netherlands 1961

Een millioen "geland". En velen zullen volgen . De immigratie naar Israel voor de Collectieve Israel Actie-Keren Hajesod uitgegeven door de jewish Agency te Jeruzalem - One million have "landed". and many will follow in their footsteps. Aliyah to Israel. Aliyah to the country following the Israeli collective activity-Keren Hayesod. Booklet to encourage immigration to Eretz Israel marking the aliyah of one million Jews in the first twelve years since the founding of the State of Israel, accompanied by rare photographs of immigrants from their various communities, published by the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem. The Netherlands 1961. Dutch.

A booklet published in The Netherlands with the aim of encouraging immigration to Israel. The booklet reviews the great Aliyah enterprise in the early years of the state with the assistance of Keren Hayesod. Included is a table of the number of immigrants to the country from the different countries of Europe, Muslim countries, and other states between 1948 and 1961. The booklet contains a detailed review of the way in which new immigrants are handled upon their arrival in the country, dispersal of immigrants in villages and towns, immigrant integration into employment, immigrant integration into agricultural work, ways of assisting Jews to emigrate and leave their countries of residence in favor of aliyah to Eretz Israel, and more. Throughout all the pages of the booklet are rare historical photographs of the immigrants themselves from their diaspora communities, the excitement about their aliyah to the country, their dispersal in cities and villages and integration into Israeli employment.

Extremely rare booklet. Does not appear in the global library catalog world cat.

[29] p. 23 cm. Good condition.