80 different booklets published by Pinchas Grayvski. Jerusalem, 1900s - 1930s
80 different booklets published by the well-known researcher and writer about Jerusalem Pinchas Grayvski. Jerusalem, 1900s - 1930s.
Among them, "The history of the Hebrew printing houses", "The Knesset of Jerusalem and its sister Alexandria of Egypt", "Visits of the princes of England to Jerusalem during the lifetime of Queen Victoria", "The writings of the late Rabbi Yosef Rivlin on Jerusalem and its history", "The episode of his life and actions of Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov", "The royal firmans during the days of the Turkish government", "Bat Ami martyrs - a holy remembrance - the blood week of the 1929 massacres" with photos of the murdered, "The locust in the land of Israel", "A collection of photos (album) of the children of the country - Jerusalem - the land of Israel" - A booklet containing rare photographs of rabbis, sages and writers, public businessmen, owners of commerce and property in the Land of Israel, many booklets from the "Jerusalem Treasures" series - the largest of the series published by Greivsky dealing with personalities and events, the history of synagogues and public buildings, memories and charters, bills, Boycotts and recommendations, letters from well-known people, royal firmans of the Turkish authorities and certificates of various kinds. Many booklets from the "Stones of Remembrance" series, which includes writings and notes on the walls of Torah institutions or sanctuaries, and on tombstones. Among them are those who expanded the boundaries of Jerusalem, the builders of the neighborhoods outside the wall, the founders of the neighborhoods outside the wall, The Jerusalemite founders of Petah Tikva and their assistants and more, booklets from the "Bnot Zion and Jerusalem" series dealing with charitable and relief activities women in Jerusalem; booklet "Hacharash V'haMasger in Jerusalem", and more.
Pinchas Greivsky (1873-1941), researcher and writer, was born and lived in Jerusalem all his life. In his youth he was educated at the "Etz Chaim" yeshiva and was close to Rabbi Shmuel Salant. One of the greatest documenters of Jewish life in Jerusalem in the first half of the 20th century. Already in 1893 he began to collect historical documents, personal memories and histories of famous families in the old settlement, and published a large number of publications. At the beginning of his work, he published short articles, the number of which reaches hundreds, about the personalities of Jerusalem. He collected historical documents, photos, personal memories and histories of individuals and families in the old settlement, and published them in the journal "Miginzei Jerusalem" which he edited and published, and in many other publications. The important and rare material about the history of Jerusalem, which today can only be found in his writings, he collected from archives of individuals and institutions, old newspapers and pamphlets, proclamations and declarations, and fascinating historical stories that he collected while visiting the homes of the people of Jerusalem, their courtyards, and the institutions of the Holy City. In addition, he wrote obituaries about rabbis and public figures in Jerusalem, which were published both as dedicated booklets and as articles in the press. Greivsky was close to both the rabbis of the old Yishuv as Rabbi Kook and the elders of Jerusalem and also to Zionist leaders and intellectuals such as Chaim Nachman Bialik and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. In the Givat Shaul neighborhood in Jerusalem, a street is named after him.
About 80 brochures. Some have signs of aging. Overall condition good.