LOTE 39:
La Libre Parole - Édouard Drumont - five issues
Vendido por: $200 (₪650)
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La Libre Parole - Édouard Drumont - five issues
Five issues of venomous antisemitic newspaper 'La Libre Parole' edited by antisemitic agitator journalist Édouard Drumont, founder of the Antisemitic League in France. Different months in the years 1896-1897.
* December 12, 1896 - On the title page is a cartoon mocking 'The Wandering Jew' with a distorted French caption mocking the Yiddish language of the Jews.
* December 26, 1896 - On the title page an antisemitic cartoon depicting different nationalities in stereotypical faces each of which rules a different country and in its face one can discern the characteristics of a member of the same nation. The accompanying antisemitic caption, after each one presents his controlled country of origin: "We are all Jews."
* May 29, 1897 - On the title page is a large antisemitic cartoon depicting wounded and bloodthirsty Jews known as "Zi" (zid - Jew) who say in Yiddish ridiculous and distorted: "It is good to steal the Gentiles ... and harm them ... but if we killed them it would be Best".
* June 12, 1897 - On the title page is an antisemitic cartoon in which a stereotypical Jewish guard is seen holding a gun in his hand to defend the 'French Bank', facing a French minister, and the antisemitic caption: "Our war front is well preserved."
* July 31, 1897 - On the title page is a cartoon mocking 'the young Jew Strauss who chose Senator La Seine'.
About La Libre Parole ("The Free Word") See previous item.
Complete sheets, 38 cm. Very good condition.