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Lot – photos of early Kesuva and memorial plaque – families Raab, Ginzburg, Ben Chorin, amongst founders of Petach ...

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
18.12.19 in BRAND AUCTIONS

Lot – photos of early Kesuva and memorial plaque – families Raab, Ginzburg, Ben Chorin, amongst founders of Petach Tikva. Package of oranges –Yeshivas Mo'etzes Petach Tikva – Hanachas Even Hapina (cornerstone ceremony) for Sharon Hospital and family pictures. The photographers Tzadok Bessen, Avraham Suskin and others. Petach Tikva in years 10/40.
Lot of family photos and documents -- Family Raab – Ben Ezer, amongst founders of Petach Tikva.
A. Kesuva of Moshe Ginzburg – Ben Chorin with Laya. From Petach Tikva, 1929. Kesuva printed in purple, with place to fill in the blanks by hand. Rips and paste marks. Kesuva is framed.
B. Large handwritten memorial page, My eyes shed tears, I'll recall this all the years, Upon remembering this day, Gloom comes my way… About petira of my father Reb Eliezer ben Reb Shlomo and my mother Feigl.
Avi Mori Meshulam Feivel son of Reb Shlomo, My mother Dvora Esther left the world of the living etc. year 5762.
Ner Hash-m nishmas adam, the whole page in fine handwriting, Magen David on top and inside reads Zion, illustration of tree with branches, pesukim etc.
On bottom says done and completed by Meshulam Feivel Raab, here in Petach Tikva, 25th of Tamuz 5670.
Paper is placed in frame, there are paste marks and some rips and some missing.
C. Picture "Container of oranges" in Raab Family's orchard in the 20's – 30's. Picture pasted on carton board, signed on back photographer Shimshon Weinstein.
Seen in picture (those identified by grandchildren and greatgrandchildren): Isaac Raab, Elazar Raab, Ben Chorin, Finkelstein, Mina Hamburger and others unidentified.
Size of picture 23 x 18 cm, Picture pasted on carton sheet 30 x 20 cm. Break in upper left corner, red stain in lower right corner.
D. Large picture, "Yeshivas Moetzes Petach Tikvah 15th of Av 27/07/34, picture signed by Rosh Ha'ir (Mayor) Reb Shlomo Shtempfer as well as the secretary, picture given to architect of the municipality Mr. Moshe Ginzburg-Ben Chorin. Seen in picture: Rosh Ha'ir (City Mayor) Reb Shlomo Shtempfer, Moshe Ginzburg – Ben Chorin, Mr. Ichilov (Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv named after him), Ezra Ichilov and other unidentified people. Members of the Council are seated in the yard of the municipality building.
Picture size 30 x 23 cm, originally picture was pasted on carton plaque 33 x 25 cm big, the picture is detached from the plaque.
E. Picture of "Chagigat Hanachat Even Hapina" (Cornerstone Ceremony) of Sharon Hospital in Petach Tikva, picture from 1933.
Picture size 17 x 12 cm, pasted to carton plaque size 30 x 24 cm.
On plaque says Chagigat Hanachat Even Hapina l'Beit Cholim b'Petach Tikva, The director Dr. Md. Eliezer Raman. Seen in picture Dr. Raman, Moshe Ginzburg-Ben Chorin architect of the hospital and his son Motti who was then about 3 years old. Many more unidentified seen in picture.
F. Lot 3 pictures taken by renowned photographer Tzadok Bassan of Jerusalem, pictures of Eliezer Raab, his wife Dora Raab and a photo of the children of Isaac Raab. The pictures are in a carton frame and all frames have photographer's stamp.
G. Lot 2 pictures taken by renown photographer "Avraham Suskin" of Tel Aviv, pictures of Dora Raab as a bride, one picture with her sitting in bridal gown with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and a second picture as above with her friend Rose Zelcer at her side.
H. Yearbook of "Iriyat Petach Tikva 1944/46" including articles, disagreements in Iriya, many advertisements, lists of factories and businesses, reports and accounts, many pictures and more.
A collection of pictures and recorded events chronicling Petach Tikva, early, significant, rare items from the families of the founders and catalysts of the city Petach Tikva. Undoubtedly a very important collection.