Leilão 261 Jewelry, Silver, Toys and games, Judaica, Israeliana and more
Por Ben-Ami Endres
16 Galgaley Haplada , Herzlia, Israel

For sale: Jewelry, Silver, Toys and games, Collectibles, Judaica and Israeliana, JNF, Stamps and Payment Means and more

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LOTE 419:

Alef-Bet, letter game with punctuation, made of wood, Israel, 1950's

Vendido por: $25
Preço inicial:
$ 25
Comissão da leiloeira: 19% Mais detalhes
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas
5.6.19 em Ben-Ami Endres

Alef-Bet, letter game with punctuation, made of wood, Israel, 1950's