Asta 250 Parte 1 Archaeology, Israeliana and Judaica
Da Ben-Ami Endres
16 Galgaley Haplada , Herzlia, Israele

Archaological coins and Items, Judaica and Israeliana

L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 1135:

pottery oil lamp, byzantine period, 5th. / 7th. century ad, slipper type, 10 cm long, decorated with pseudo menorah,

Venduto per: $60
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 60
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19%
IVA: 18% Solo su commissione
14.2.18 in Ben-Ami Endres

pottery oil lamp, byzantine period, 5th. / 7th. century ad, slipper type, 10 cm long, decorated with pseudo menorah,