Asta 59 Happy Hanukkah - a rare and diverse collection of Chanukahs
Da Behrooz
Domenica, 15.12.24, 20:00
26 Gershon Agron St., Jerusalem (near the Waldorf Astoria Hotel), Israele

שנזכה לראות פני משיח צידקנו במהרה בימנו מתוך אושר ושמחה בעם ישראל!

"וזכרת את השם אלקיך כי הוא הנותן לך כח לעשות חיל"

"ואני בחסדך בטחתי יגל ליבי בישועתך אשירה לה' כי גמל עלי".

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LOTTO 117:

Menorah made of copper, Poland-Warsaw, 19th century, the back of the menorah is decorated with two lions holding ...

Prezzo incluse commissioni e iva.: $ 380,73 (₪1 358,61)
Calcolato in base al valore della valuta aggiornato alle ore 21:28. Final currency rate will be set in the auction day
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 300
Prezzo stimato :
$500 - $600
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione

Menorah made of copper, Poland-Warsaw, 19th century, the back of the menorah is decorated with two lions holding the Tablets of the Covenant, below a plaque with the inscription "Hanukkah", on the sides two columns and above a Torah crown, eight deep oil lamps on a removable tray and a removable upper shemesh, dimensions - 30 * 26 cm.