拍卖会 38 Private collection: "Private collection: inscriptions, sectors, stationery, lithography, art objects, Bezalel, Judaica, silverware and Islam."
由 Behrooz 举行
oli zion 13, tel aviv -jaffo, 以色列

"And I in thy mercy have trusted that my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation".

May his name be praised forever and ever!

A kosher and happy Passover to all the House of Israel.


拍卖品 28:

A pair of Torah Finials for a Torah book. India or Iraq, late 19th century, silver, engraved. Iraqi style torah ...

售出价为: $800
$ 800
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
23.4.23于 Behrooz

A pair of Torah Finials for a Torah book. India or Iraq, late 19th century, silver, engraved. Iraqi style torah finials. As far as we know, these Torah Finials originate in India. Apparently made in Iraq and used by members of the Iraqi Jewish community of India.
Height: 18 cm.
It should be noted that six chains are missing.