拍卖会 30 Private collection: artefacts, Bezalel, Judaica, silverware and Islam.
由 Behrooz 举行
oli zion 13, tel aviv -jaffo, 以色列

"And I in thy mercy have trusted that my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation".

May his name be praised forever and ever!


拍卖品 16:

HANDMADE NARROW GLASS VASE INDAUM NANCY TIP EUROPE STYLE. Orange base. Colors: orange-red-green decorated with ...

售出价为: $20
$ 20
拍卖行佣金: 18%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
8.9.22于 Behrooz

HANDMADE NARROW GLASS VASE INDAUM NANCY TIP EUROPE STYLE. Orange base. Colors: orange-red-green decorated with flowers and plants. Its height is 11 cm.