拍卖会 43 Rare calendars from the Holocaust era, bibliographical discoveries, books with dedicures, underground movements, history of the Land of Israel, Jewish studies, and more.ations and signat
Adney Paz 42 Hadera, floor 14, appartment 55, 以色列

Auction 43 will take place on Sunday, December 31, 2024, 1  tevet  5785 at 18:00 p.m.

At the auction, we will present to you 600 rare items from the spiritual treasures of the Jewish people and the culture of nations. Among the special items we will present are :

A.   A Jewish calendar from 1945, the last year of World War II. The calendar was printed in Bratislava. It is difficult to understand how it was printed when most of the city's Jews were expelled and the city was actually under Nazi rule from the beginning of 1939 before the war. A rare and special item that we did not find in any library.

B.  A Jewish calendar for 1946, the first Jewish calendar on European soil after the victory over the Nazis. The calendar was printed in Budapest, which was actually under Soviet communist occupation. Unicom. We did not find it in any library.

C.  Bibliographic-historical-periodical discovery: Three newspapers printed in 1992 in an attempt to present the history of Israel in the form of a daily newspaper. The attempt failed due to a lack of subscribers, but we managed to locate three different newspapers and the editorial archive. An exciting historical exposure.

D. Rare books that we were able to discover and acquire that were in the Kfar Darom library that was destroyed in the War of Independence!!

E. Books with dedications and signatures.

F. Rare and special holy books, including the important polemic book against the Reform movement: "Eleh Divrei Bharti" with signatures from the time of printing!

G. Rare books in Jewish studies: Kabbalah, Sage thought, Talmud, Mishnah, Jewish philosophy, Eretz Israel, Hebrew literature, and more.

H. Rare catalogs of exhibitions in Israeli art.

I. Rare books and publications of the underground: Etzel, Lehi, Uri Zvi Greenberg and more.

J. Rare and ancient books in foreign languages ​​from both Israeli and international culture

And other treasures of pleasure, culture and knowledge. We have invested quite a bit in cataloging and photographing the items in order to bring to light the cultural wealth embodied in the catalog and sale before you.

Shipping costs  :

Registered shipping - 30 NIS [up to two kilos]

Package shipping - 40 NIS [over two kilos]

Courier mail  45 NIS up to 5 kilos.

Courier mail over 5 kilos - 60 NIS.

Courier mail over 10 kilos - 80 NIS.

Overseas mail depending on the type of shipment and the country of destination.

Buyers from Israel in an amount exceeding 1500 NIS before VAT will be given free courier mail.

Buyers from abroad in an amount exceeding $1500 will be given free EMS mail abroad.

No buyer fees

No credit fees

VAT on the entire amount.

Customers from abroad are exempt from paying VAT only if the shipment is sent abroad.

Payment by PayPal in shekels only and with a 6% fee.

Online sale without an announcement!

Payment after 14 days from the end of the sale will be charged a 20% storage fee.


拍卖品 33:

סדור תפלה צלותא דאברהם : חלק א' - תפלת שחרית של חול ומוסף של ראש השנה. תשכ"ג. ספר עב כרס.


$ 10
拍卖行佣金: 0% 更多详细信息
增值税: 18% 对拍卖品的价格和佣金总额收取
31.12.24于 Doctor Baruch Falach
标签: 书籍

סדור תפלה צלותא דאברהם : חלק א' - תפלת שחרית של חול ומוסף של ראש השנה. תשכ"ג. ספר עב כרס.

סדור תפלה צלותא דאברהם : על פי נוסח וסדר שהתפלל... רבנו אברהם לנדא אבדק"ק טשעכאנאוו... מבורר ע"פ ההלכה והקבלה ע"י... רבי מנחם מנדיל חיים לנדא...

ונקרא שמו שומע תפלה המתפרד לשני ראשים - עמק ברכה... ויעש אברהם...

ועליהם נלוה שירותא דצלותא - הערות, הארות ומקורות לתפלה... מאת יעקב בכ"ר ישראל חנוך ורדיגר -

חלק א' - תפלת שחרית של חול ומוסף של ראש השנה.

 תל-אביב : המכון לחקר התפלה והמנהגים ע"י הוצאת פרדס ישראל, תשכ"ג - מהדורה שלישית. נ"ב [8] עמ', תמ"ח [4] עמ'. כריכה קשה. 24.5 ס"מ, מעט מאוד כתמי זמן, שפשופים בקצות הכריכה והדופן.

דפוס סטריאוטיפי.

כללית מצב טוב מאוד.
