Leilão 2
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LOTE 38:

Eleven Single Leaves of Prayers and Segulot‭ - ‬Mostly Jerusalem‭ - ‬1860-1950

Preço inicial:
$ 220
Comissão da leiloeira: 25% Mais detalhes
3.9.20 em Baranovich Online

Eleven Single Leaves of Prayers and Segulot‭ - ‬Mostly Jerusalem‭ - ‬1860-1950

1.A prayer for rain in Hebrew and Dutch. Published by I. Levisson at D. Proops press. Amsterdam. [Circa 1860]. 12 x 20 cm.

The header on the Dutch side reads: Gebed om Regen.

2.Prayer for the soul of the deceased, recited after learning in his memory, by the Klilat Shaul synagogue in Meah Shearim in Jerusalem. [Jerusalem. Circa 1925]. 21 x 28 cm.

The prayer is vowelized, with a small illustration of the Mount of Olives.

3. Shiviti – Psalm 67 in the shape of a menorah, with verses around the sides, printed on thin cardboard. 21 x 31 cm.

4. Amulet for a newborn boy, Shir LaMa’alot, verses and kabbalistic names for protection. 15 x 20 cm.

5. A small sheet with the inscription: “Oh, G-d, G-d of Abraham, etc. from Melitz Tov. [Jerusalem? Circa 1925]. 13 x 10 cm.

6. Prayer attributed to King Hezekiah – Habet Mishamayim U’Re’eh. [Jerusalem? Circa 1940]. 19.5 x 16 cm.

7. Portrait of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. [Circa 1940]. 19 x 12 cm.

An imaginary portrait of Rashb”i with verses around the sides and captions in Hebrew.

8. An amuletic manuscript from the kabbalist R. Yehuda Moshe Petaya (1859–1942) for the Zemirot LeDavid society. Printed on the reverse side is another amulet. [Jerusalem. 1942]. 13 x 18 cm.

With worming that was restored.

9. Another amuletic manuscript from the kabbalist R. Yehuda Moshe Petaya (1859–1942). [Jerusalem. 1942]. 13 x 18 cm.

10. A short prayer from the Chid”a to be recited upon opening up the Aron HaKodesh. Stamped by the Badat”z of Jerusalem. [Jerusalem. Circa 1950]. 21 x 16 cm.

11. Meshivat Nefesh – verses of joy for salvation and comfort, by R. Nachum Finkelstein of the Achvah synagogue in Jerusalem. [Jerusalem. Circa 1950]. [4] pp., 16 x 12 cm.