Year End Day 1 Primitives and Antiques
Da Atlee Raber Auction
venerdì, 27.12.24, 09:00
17020 Dover Road Dundee, OH 44624, Stati Uniti
1000 Lots of great antiques, primitives, country store and more!

LOTTO 550:

Antique "Uhrichsville" sewer tile tree stump

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Prezzo iniziale:
$ 10
Prezzo stimato :
$10 - $1 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 6.75% Solo su commissione
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Antique "Uhrichsville" sewer tile tree stump
Large tree stump with several chips and a branch that is broke but is still an impressive piece! Circa 1920-40. Interior stump is 14in diameter 24in tall.