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Letter of the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Hacohen Kraus Rabbi of Lackenbach & his Son In Law the Gaon Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar ...

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Letter of the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Hacohen Kraus Rabbi of Lackenbach & his Son In Law the Gaon Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar Rabbi of Lackenbach, 1934.

A warm letter wishing Mazel Tov to the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Baumgarten on the ocassion of his wedding.

Postcard, Lackenbach 1934.

The Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Hacohen Kraus was born in 1859 & was an important student of the Maharam Schick. 

From 1884 he was Rabbi Jankovacz & In 1902 Rabbi Yehuda was appointed Rabbi of Lackenbach. He made Aliya in 1935 and passed away there  in 1939. His son-in-law, the Gaon Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar succeeded him in Lakenbach.

His gravestone on the Mount Of Olives is inscribed : "The honorable resting place of the great genius, the righteous and renowned Rabbi Yehuda Cohen Krausz, may his memory be a blessing, who was formerly the spiritual leader of the community of Jankovaczs and later of the community of Lackenbach, was gathered to his people on the 21st day of the month of Shevat, 5799, in Jerusalem, the Holy City known in Judea and throughout Israel. His name is widely recognized due to the many moral books he translated into spoken language, such as the books "Sefer Peleh Yoetz'', Tzainah V'Ra'ainah, " and others, which have been widely disseminated across the globe to enrich and nurture the spiritual well-being of the masses. Furthermore, he was a wise teacher and scholar who left behind a legacy of blessings, building and marriage, rabbis and novelties in Shema'ata and Aggadah, among many others. These are written down and remain as a testament to his mother, Dvora, may her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life."

His Son In Law Rabbi Meir Chaim Ungar  was born in 1905 to his father Rabbi Yaakov. He succeeded his Father In Law as Rabbi of Lakenbach in 1935. Rabbi Meir made Aliyah and settled in Jerusalem. He died in 1958. His son-in-law was the renowned Gaon Rabbi Nosson Gestetner.

His disciple Rabbi Shlomo Baumgarten [1904-1981] the Rav of the "Shifschull" community in Vienna and Rav of the "Torat Etz Chaim' community in London. Taught Torah for more that fifty years. Published the sefer "Pardes Yosef" written by his father, Rabbi Yosef Baumgarten, Rosh Beth Din of the "Schifschull" community.