Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection
Par Appel Auction
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LOT 2:

Large collection of Rare imprints from East & West.

Vendu pour: $750
Prix de départ:
$ 200
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 8.375% Sur le prix complet du lot + la commission
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14.12.22 à Appel Auction

Large collection of Rare imprints from East & West.

1. Sefer Teshuvot HaGeonim,   Turka 1764. First edition.

Part one of Shu"t HaGaonim Batrai – the author of the "Tosefot Yom Tov", the author of the "Bayit Chadash" and his son-in-law the author of the "Turei Zahav", the author of the "Maginei Shlomo" Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel. With responsa from another fifteen sages.

At the beginning of the book are eight important approbations.

Tears to title page, lack last (index) page.

2. Sefer Zephurath Tuphra, Pesen 1862. Second edition.

3. Sefer Mikve Yisroel, Oakland, Cal. Circa 1920.

5. Sefer Maamar Nachpeshu Darkeinu. By Rabbi Yechezkel Widman of Sãcel.


6. Sefer Tzror Hachaim part 5. Constatine, 194...

7. Pizmon Bar Yochai, simple meaning and Arabic translation. Susa, [c. 1940]. 

Judeo-Arabic. Pocket size.

8. Sefer Sichat Chulin Shel Talmid Chacham.

Sanok, 1912.

9. Sefer Magen David, Djerba [1923]. Slight loss of text to last 2 pages.


10. Sefer Yoru Mishpatecha L'Ya'akov, Calcutta 1882.

Ethics, tales, parables and prayers. By Rabbi Ya'akov Sucari. Calcutta (India), 1882.

 At the end of the Sefer are the holidays, a prayer for TikkunChatzot, and a prayer for the sick. Printed by Eliyahu Moshe Davich HaKohen,  

Yaari- Calcutta 32. Sephardic signatures.

11. Sefer Hamasiyot, Bagdad 1892. Rare.

96 Leaves. Leaf 7 torn, Later binding.

12. Sefer Matir Asurim, Sousa 1931.

22, Lacking [2] leaves at end. 10 Cm.


12. Resurrection Songs, Parts 1-2, Selected Songs from Songs of Zion by A. S. son of Rabbi Eliyahu Nahum. Baghdad 1925.

13. Sefer Kol Rina V'Yeshua, piyutim and songs for a circumcision. Djerba, [1946]. Six copies.

14. Sefer Yismach Tzadik, Casablanca 1945.

Title page on wrapper. Judeo Arabic.

15. Sefer Shivchei Tzadikim Parts 1 & 3. Casablanca.


16. Mishne Brura. Zlotshow, 1922.

17. Sefer Aruch Hachadash Erech Chayim  by Rabbi Chaim Poternik of the family of the Rebbe of Berditchov. Only edition, Sanok 1912.

18. Sefer MiTa'am HaMelech – Na Amun, 1908. Only edition.

19. Sefer Chochmat HaNefesh with the exegesis of the Bnei Issachar. Tzfat 1913.

Last page damaged.

20. Sefer Kupat Keren David. Djerba 1916-1917.


21. Fun Eibigen Kval. Montreal, 1930. Yiddish.

22. Sefer Mikveh Yisrael By Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Daiches.

Responsum regarding the halachic status of Mikva’os in England, together with a collection of sermons, Leeds 1912. Only edition.

23. Sefer Pe'er Mi'Kdoshim, Brailov 1914.

Tears & light worming.

24. Sefer Peh Eliyahu – Aleppo, 1914-15 – First Edition

Volume 1, last 10 sides loose.

Volume 2, with light worming.

25. Sefer Meshalim Di Shlomo Hamelech. Belgrade 1854.


26. Sefer Lev Shimon, Buedszentmihaly, 1923.

Unbound. Stamp: Yisrael Dov Gelbman, Balmazújváros.

27. Kuntressim – Kuntress of Sugyot (Kovetz Meforshim) for students in the Tășnad Yeshivah.

Special edition printed by the “Chevrat Kinyan Seforim” in Tășnad for the yeshivah students. A booklet was printed for each sugya that was studied in yeshivah, with the studied material and sources related to the sugya; first the page of gemara followed by the words of the Rishonim and Achronim related to the sugya.

Tasnad (last Kuntres printed in  Săcueni) 1938-1940. 11 Sugyot, some have a seperate title page.

Signatures of students in the Tasnad Yeshiva.

28. Sefer Moreh Tzedek, Tunis 1915, Only Edition.

29. Another copy of above.

30. Lev Mevin, 3 sections of the Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi Maimon Bardugo, edited by Rabbi Sholom Messas.

The Zweig Brothers Press, Meknes, 1941.

[7], 131 leaves. Unbound.

31. Sefer Pnei Meivin. Meknes, 1941. Unbound.

32. Sefer  Mi Kamocha. Tripoli, 1923.

Fair condition, worming & mold stains.

33. Sefer Meir Bat Ein - Likuti Halachot of the Tana Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes.

Tunis, 1899.