Chassidut, Letters, Chasam Sofer, Holy objects, Art & Silver.
Von Appel Auction
Pomona NY 10970, Vereinigte Staaten
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LOS 208:

A discourse by Rabbi Michel Dov Weismandel

Verkauft für: $2 000
$ 400
Auktionshaus-Provision: 25%
MwSt: 8.375% Auf den vollen Lospreis und die Provision
Ausländische Benutzer können gemäß der jeweiligen Steuervorschriften gegebenenfalls von Steuerzahlungen befreit werden
11.1.22 bei Appel Auction

A discourse by Rabbi Michel Dov Weismandel

A terrible article by Rabbi Michel Dov Weissmandl written with the blood of his heart "And here is a furnace of smoke and a torch of fire" about the plan of the Nazis to burn down all the Jews.

Many details were changed deleted and re-edited, there are many variations to the final print in his famous book 'Min Hameitzar'.

Three pages on Yeshiva of Nitra - Mount Kisco New York. letterhead.

From the estate of a close disciple who worked at the printing press which was in the Yeshivah.