Leilão 5 "Sale number 5 - antique"
Por Anitka
רחוב הדקל 9 טבריה, Israel

Hello ${userName},

Welcome to Sale 6 in antique .

The special sale will take place in Israel on Thursday 11/11/2024 at 18:00 (Israel time). The sale includes a wide variety of different collectibles: Israeli jewelry, jewelry, paintings, silverware, art, Judaica, coins and medals, fashion bags For men and women, weights and weights, bells, pocket watch chains, ornaments, marine equipment, old telephones, ashtrays, and more... Sincerely,

 Best regards,  

 an antique                               

Mais detalhes
O leilão terminou

LOTE 578:

תיק סרוג

Preço inicial:
$ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 20% Mais detalhes
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
26.8.24 em Anitka
identificações: Vintage

תיק סרוג

תיק מיוחד וינטג' סרוג מחבל. מכיל נפח גדול..

תיק עם סטייל.!!

גובה - 56 ס"מ

רוחב - 47 ס"מ

Hello ${userName},

Welcome to sale numbur 8 in  Anatiqa.

1. The special sale will take place in Israel today,   sunday 16/3/2025 at 19:00 (Israel time).

2. The sale includes a wide variety of different collectibles:, as advertised to you and shown in the catalog.

3. Payment methods:

A. Bank transfer: Bank Hapoalim branch - 723, account - 552152, name of the beneficiary - Yuscomp Ltd.

B. A secure telephone transaction in a profitable company - you can call me and I will make the payment in front of you, or I will call you about it after the sale.

C. Cash payment when picking up the product from me at 9 HaDekal St. Tiberias.

4. Arrangement of payment - up to 7 business days from the end of the sale!!!

5. Giving by hand obliges the customer to pay if he wins. If clarification is required, please contact me and I will be happy to be at your disposal...


6. For customers ordering from abroad, please note that deliveries will only be sent to your seller's address in Israel - there are no deliveries abroad, in light of the problems in this regard.

 Best regards,  

 an Anatiqa