拍卖会 140 Eclectic Treasures: Alma's Summer Auction
由 Alma 举行
Ibn Gabirol St 71, Tel Aviv-Yafo, floor -2, row 15 (in the paring) Israel, 以色列
Welcome to Alma's Summer Sale—a meticulously curated collection of art and antique pieces. Begin your journey with captivating Far East objects, porcelain, carved items, and textiles. Then, delve into the enchantment of Islamic countries.
Discover an array of treasures, from elegant silver ornaments to porcelain and glass art, along with inspiring Judaica paintings and sculptures.

拍卖品 26:

Complete set of exceptionally well-carved 18 Lohan meditation beads

售出价为: $300
$ 300
估计的价格 :
$450 - $550
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
27.8.23于 Alma

Complete set of exceptionally well-carved 18 Lohan meditation beads
A rare, outstanding, complete set of 18 lohan carved peach pits.
Late Qing dyn. or early republic.
The 18 pcs, each depicting a different lohan out of the 18, plus two laughing Buddhas on lotus flower, creating a wonderful, complete set. All have a hole running from top to bottom ( the two Buddhas from one side to another), and were ones strung together.
Size of each lohan 2.5 cm, each Buddha 3 cm.
