MDLD Auction House
Achuza 68, Ra'anana
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MDLD Auction House was founded by Ran Segal (himself a collector of about 30 years).
MDLD, the acronym for the Hebrew phrase Mi'Dor L'Dor, which translates to "from generation to generation", was chosen as the company's name for its clear but very significant meaning. Through MDLD, we hope to pass on to future generations pieces of Jewish and Israeli history from past generations. As Haim Nachman Bialik once wrote: "HaNoten L'Doro, Noten L'Dorot" (loosely translated as: he who gives to his generation, gives to future generations").
The company's logo, the key, interestingly is the image of an actual key passed down to Segal from his grandparents, who immigrated to Israel from Aleppo (Halab), Syria.
MDLD is an internet based auction house. It covers many areas such as art, silver, porcelain, judaica, stamps, coins, banknotes, items from Israel from pre establishment of the State, and more.
We have a concentration of the history and culture of the Jewish people and Israel, via historical documents, books (Holy and secular), letters (official and personal), and photographs.
MDLD sells from all of its categories while maintaining a high standard for both order and authenticity.
MDLD upholds fairness to both buyer/bidder and seller, while setting a fair opening bid but allowing the bidders to ultimately determine its monetary worth.
MDLD acquires individual items as well as vast collections (such as estates). We have experts in many fields who professionally research and appraise our items.
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0545561223***לא ניתן לבטל הצעות
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0545561223***לא ניתן לבטל הצעות
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MDLD Auction House - Leilão 68
Estate of former Minister of Finance, Mr. Avraham "Beiga" Shochat and his wife, Tama, daughter of former Prime Minister, Mr. Levi Eshkol.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 61
Parte 1
Zionism, Mandate-era Palestine, Builders of a Dream, Moshavot, Cities and Formation of State...
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 55
Just in time for the Jewish New Year, new and exciting collections...
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 50
Mi'Dor L'Dor - MDLD Auction House: Celebrating 50 auctions! with Part II of Chaim Weizmann's family's estate and another private art collection.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 46
Judaica, silver, Israeli and International art, coins and banknotes.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 45
Israeliana at its best: photographs, philately, art, passports and international.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 39
Parte 2
Who wants to be a millionaire? Collectable banknotes, coins, medallions and more!
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 20
A collection of Zionist revival and rare, high quality Israeliana. Celebrating 20 auctions at MDLD...thank you to our members and participants!
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 15
Parte 1
Book sale and Judaica : including topics on Israel, Zionism, History and Judaism.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 13
Parte 1
Auction #13: From the Shoah to Israel's Independence: a meaningful and important catalog.
MDLD Auction House - Leilão 1
Auction of collector Ben-Tzion Wax (first of three)

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