KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus

Baringstraße 8 30159 Hannover

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For decades, the family-run auction house KASTERN has been a fixture among Germany's auction houses. Four times a year, the owners Margitta Kastern and Christina Kastern-Benatzky invite you to an art auction. They attach particular importance to optimal customer care. With a team of art historians from the fields of paintings, art & antiques and jewelry as well as gold coins, KASTERN offers a national and international address for the brokerage of high-quality art objects. Careful attention is paid to the quality of the offer. The international interested parties and art collectors do not want to do without the wide range of offers in this house. An exhibition is designed for each auction on an area of 1000 m2. Apart from the auctions, customers can use the free sale in the house all year round. For each auction, Kastern publishes an online catalog and a printed catalog with extensive descriptions and color illustrations, which are sent to customers, are displayed in-house and form the main advertising medium. In addition, advertisements are regularly placed in the domestic and foreign trade press to promote the auction.

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Leilões terminados

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 203

Parte 2
Paintings, modern graphics, old graphics, icons, sculptures, wristwatches, jewelry, costume jewelry, luxury items, silver, arts and crafts, student items, furniture, carpets, clocks, books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 203

Parte 1
Asian art, porcelain, ceramics, glass, Erzgebirge folk art

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 202

Parte 2
Paintings, Manfred Sack collection, modern graphics, old graphics, icons, sculptures, wristwatches, jewelry, costume jewelry, coins, luxury items, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, clocks

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 202

Parte 1
Asian art, porcelain, ceramics, glass, silver, ethnology, student items, stamps, books
Catálogo de PDF

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 201

Parte 2
Paintings, modern graphics, photography, autographs, old graphics, icons, sculptures, private collection, wristwatches, jewelry, costume jewelry, luxury items, silver, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, books
Lot 0710-1765

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 201

Parte 1
Asian art, porcelain, ceramics, glass
Lot 0001-0709

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 200

Parte 3
Paintings, modern graphics, photography, old graphics, sculptures, wristwatches, jewelry, luxury items
| Modern | Graphic | Photography | Old graphic | Sculptures | Objects Wristwatches | Pocket watches | Jewelry | Luxury items

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 200

Parte 2
Asian art, ceramics, glass, silver, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, icons, antiques, ethnology, student items, coins, autographs, books
 | Glass | Silver | Arts and Crafts Furniture | Carpets | Watches | Icons | Antiques | ethnology | Studentika | Militaria | Coins | Autographers | Books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 200

Parte 1

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 198

Parte 2
Private collection, paintings, modern graphics, photography, old graphics, icons, sculptures, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, wristwatches, jewelry, luxury items

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 198

Parte 1
Asian art, porcelain, ceramics, glass, Ethnology, Studentika, Coins, Silver, Books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 197

Parte 2
Paintings, modern graphics, photography, old graphics, icons, sculptures, handicrafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, wristwatches, jewelry, coins, luxury items

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 197

Parte 1
Asian items, porcelain, ceramics, glass, silver, books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 196

Parte 2
Paintings, modern graphics, photography, old graphics, icons, sculptures, handicrafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, wristwatches, jewelry, luxury items, silver

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 196

Parte 1
Asian items, porcelain, ceramics, glass, antiques, ethnology, student items, books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 195

Parte 2
Goethe's autograph, paintings, modern graphics, old graphics, icons, sculptures, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, wristwatches, jewelry, luxury items, silver, ethnology, student items, books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 195

Parte 1
Asian items, porcelain, ceramics, glass

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 193

Art auction no. 193 - November 19, 2022

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 189

Parte 2
Paintings, modern graphics, photography, old graphics, icons, sculptures, arts and crafts, furniture, carpets, clocks, wristwatches, jewelry, luxury items, silver

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus - Leilão 189

Parte 1
Asian art, porcelain, ceramics, glass, antiques, ethnology, student items, books

KASTERN GmbH & Co KG Das Kunst & Auktionshaus

Art and antiques