LOT 101: Letter from Rebbetzin Chana Kotler on Reb Aharon's Stationery. Kletzk, 1936. Early letter handwritten and signed by Rebbetzin Chana Kotler on stationery of her husband, the gaon Rabbi Aharon Kotler, rosh yeshivah of Kletzk, and later leader of the American exile. Kletzk, 1936. Private letter ...
LOT 102: Important Halachic Responsum from the Gadol haDor, the Author of Shevet HaLevi. Important Halachic responsum entirely handwritten and signed by the posek hador , the gaon Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner. Arbon, near Lucerne, Bein HaMetzarim , 1983. Halachic responsum on several topics, in a reply ...
LOT 103: Important Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv to the Wondrous Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Karelenstein. Beautiful responsa letter spanning two large pages. Entirely [approximately 500 words] handwritten and signed by the gadol hador and the leader of his generation, the gaon Rabbi Yosef ...
LOT 104: Rare Letter from the Renowned Gaon Rabbi Gedalyahu Schorr Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Vodaath in the United States. "My friends, relatives - as close to me as a brother and sister" Beautiful letter with blessings entirely [16 lines] handwritten and signed by the renowned gaon Rabbi Gedalyahu ...
LOT 105: Important Collection: [7] Letters of the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Ephraim Yoffen, Rosh Yeshivah of Novhardok. Important Torani-Historic collection including [6] letters from the gaon and tzaddik Rabbi Avraham Yoffen [the Steipler's teacher], son-in-law and successor of the Alter of Novhardok and ...
LOT 106: Huge Collection of Letters [33] from Gedolim in the United States, Canada and Europe. Important collection of thirty-three original letters handwritten and signed by prominent Diaspora rabbis including chief rabbis of various countries and major cities. United States, Canada and Europe, mid-late ...
LOT 107: Rare Collection: [17] Important Letters from Leading Rashei Yeshivahs of the Previous Generation. Rare and important collection with seventeen letters from leading rashei yeshivahs of the previous generation who shone like the sun and revived the destroyed Torah world with their own hands. Most ...
LOT 108: Manuscript of the Sefer Yismach Moshe. Handwritten Glosses by the Yitev Lev of Sighet. Some Never Printed!. New Torah will come from me. Original manuscript of the sacred Sefer Yismach Moshe , authored by the leading Admo"r of Hungary, the wonder-worker and gaon Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of ...
LOT 109: Kitvei Kodesh from the Chassid Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. ztzk"l. Large manuscript of Divrei Torah and Chassidut by Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz, one the Besh"t's leading disciples. Arranged according to the order of the parashiyot and holidays, and Talmudic tractates, divided into over 700 se'ifim ...
LOT 110: Manuscript. Ma'amarim of Torah and Chassidic Thought by the Belzer Rebbe, shlit"a. Manuscript filling an entire lined notebook [67 written pages] of divrei Torah and Chassidic thought delivered by the Admo"r of Belz, shlit"a, primarily on Shabbat at his tisches and at his home in the Belz ...
LOT 111: Extraordinarily Rare Letter of Blessings from the Chekel Yitzchak of Spinka to the Gaon Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtahl. "May Hashem help [you], so that your springs burst forth and [you are] occupied with the sacred Torah in pleasure and expansiveness. May we merit seeing each other in ...
LOT 112: Important and Unknown Letter of Guidance from the Admo"r, the Author of Beit Avraham of Slonim. "Continuation of the influence and the blessing because there is nothing lacking for those who fear Him. The believer should not be concerned at all, neither spiritually nor physically. All will ...
LOT 113: Chassidic Letter - Sacred Amulet for the Childless Handwritten by the Yessod HaAvodah of Slonim. "May [you] sprout and flourish and be blessed with blessed seed. Berachah in gematria is zecher - remembrance - like ' aravah ' in gematria is zera-seed, the fruit of a citrus tree from generation ...
LOT 114: Important Chassidic Letter from the Admo"r of Alexander. Bnei Brak, 1973. Unprinted. Letter with rare Chassidic and personal content entirely [approximately 200 words] handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Menachem Danziger of Alexander, in his first year as Admo"r. Bnei Brak ...
LOT 115: "Heter Hora'ah" from the Admo"r, the "Lev Simchah" of Novominsk, who Revived Chassidut in America. Rare letter of rabbinic ordination handwritten and signed by the rebbe Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh Perlow, the Admo"r of Novominsk and reviver of the Chassidic movement on the American continent. New York ...
LOT 116: Rare Letter [Approximately 150 Words] Handwritten by the Admo"r Rabbi Mosheleh of Stolin, May his Blood be Avenged, Son of the Yanuka of Stolin. Rare letter [approximately 150 words] handwritten and signed by the Admo"r HaK' Rabbi Moshe Perlow of Stolin, son and successor of the most sacred ...
LOT 117: Blessings for Sustenance from the Wonder-Worker Rabbi Avraham Elimelech of Karlin. "... May [you] be blessed from the source of all blessing and salvation in all the best ways. May only goodness and lovingkindness pursue [you] all your days. May [you] be privileged to give from a place of ...
LOT 118: Huge Gefe"n Blessings Handwritten by the Wonder-Worker, the "Detroiter Rav" - Son of the Yanuka of Stolin. Offspring: "Much Yiddish nachas from the children, with good spouses, and in ... May you have much nachas ." Health: "A good blessed year - a good healthy year" Sustenance: ...
LOT 119: "And with an Abundant Livelihood" - Rare Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Elimelech of Karlin. "... May [you] be blessed by the source of all blessing with blessings and success and abundance of sustenance and all goodness. May Hashem fulfill all your heart's desires for the good. May ...
LOT 120: Rare Letter of Blessings from the Admo"r of Skver, Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef Twersky. "May you be blessed with all kinds of salvation and success ... May we hear glad tidings at an auspicious time, salvation and comfort. May [you] merit much nachat and joy from all your children, may they be well ...
LOT 121: Establishment of Chinuch Atzma'i Letter from the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz to the Even HaAzel. "May Hashem find grace in your work. With the blessings of the eternal Torah, Chaim Meir, son of the tzaddik ..." Historic letter about the establishment of Chinuch Atzma'i, from Rabbi Chaim Meir ...
LOT 122: Letter from the Wondrous Admo"r Rabbi Yitzchak of Bohosh, to his Uncle, Rabbi Shlomenyu of Sadigura. Conversation of angels Rare and beautiful letter, entirely [16 lines] handwritten and signed by the wondrous Admo"r and renowned wonder-worker, the rebbi Rabbi Yitzchak Friedman of Bohosh. Tel ...
LOT 123: Rare, Sacred and Important: "Mechirat Chametz" Document Handwritten by the Pnei Menachem of Gur. Rare and important document - [12]-section manuscript spanning [2] pages handwritten and signed (three times) by the Admo"r Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Alter, author of Pnei Menachem of Gur. Nissan, 1988. ...
LOT 124: Very Personal Content: Letter Filled with Blessings from the Admo"r Rabbi Itamar'l of Nadvorna to his Son and Grandson. Lengthy letter [2 pages] handwritten and signed [twice] by the head of the Nadvorna Admo"rim, the sacred Rabbi Itamar Rosenbaum, son of the Admo"r Rabbi Meir Rosenbaum of ...
LOT 125: Rare Letter [27 words] Handwritten by the Imrei Emet of Gur. Rare letter, entirely [27 words] handwritten and signed by the leading Admo"r of his generation, Rosh Golat Ariel , the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter, author of Imrei Emet of Gur. [Poland], Tuesday of parashat Korach . Date and ...
LOT 126: Who Owns the Right to Print the Divrei Chayim? Important Letter from his Grandson, Rabbi Meshulam Zusha of Chernobyl. Letter with important Chassidic content, entirely handwritten and signed by the Admo"r, the sacred Rabbi Meshulam Zusha Twersky of Chernobyl. The letter discusses printing rights ...
LOT 127: Letter with Blessings by the Wonder-Worker Rabbi Hersheleh Spinker. New York, 1987. "May our prayers be accepted with mercy and good will. May we be sealed for good life, and may we hear glad tidings and all goodness, selah. May we merit a good, sweet year" Letter/Amulet loaded with ...
LOT 128: Success in Business! Important Blessing from the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo of Bobov. "To experience salvation with an abundance of blessing and success in all [your] endeavors" Early letter from the Admo"r Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam - one of the leading Admo"rim of the previous generation. The ...
LOT 129: Rare and Sacred: Blessings for Children, Life and Sustenance, Handwritten by the Beit Yisrael of Gur. "... A good, happy year ... May Hashem help in all matters for the good [regarding livelihood] and May Hashem help your daughters who are here, and may we hear only good tidings ... blessings ...
LOT 130: Original Invitation to the Wedding of the Admo"r of Belz Shlit"a & Letter Signed by the Rebbe. "May Hashem be with [you] to assist [you] and may [you] merit Heavenly assistance in all matters and all goodness, selah ... HaK' Yisachar Dov" Important pair of ritual items from the Admo"r of ...
LOT 131: Be'er Mayim Chayim - Copy that Previously Belonged to the First Admo"r of Stropkov, Rabbi Shalom Halberstam. Sefer Be'er Mayim Chayim is one of the most important and renowned sefarim of Chassidut. It was authored by the sacred Admo"r Rabbi Chaim Tirer of Chernowitz, one of the leading Admo"rim ...
LOT 132: Tikkun HaKlalli by the Alter, Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, with his Signature. Unique Breslov collector's item - the Tikkun HaKlalli compilation [Warsaw, 1923] by the "Alter" - Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, one of the leaders of Breslov, also known as the "Ba'al HaPetek" due to the well-known ...
LOT 133: The Mashgiach Rav Elyah Dushnitzer's Personal Kabbalistic Tehillim. "When he passed away, the author of Chazon Ish said about him that he was one of the generation's thirty-six [hidden] tzaddikim" (the gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky) Sefer Tehillim with the Etz HaD'a'at Tov Kabbalistic commentary ...
LOT 134: Aratzot HaShalom by the Malbi"m, with the Sacred Author's Stamp. Signature by the Esh Dat of Ozharov. First Print. Sefer Aratzot HaShalom by the gaon, the Malbi"m (Meir Leibush Ben Yechiel Michel), among the renowned gedolei hadorot . This is among the more important works by the Malbi"m, and ...
LOT 135: One-of-a-Kind Tehillim with Signatures from leaders and Gedolei HaDor!. The best segulah for wealth, healing and all types of salvation! Magnificent sefer for prayer with promises for those prayers to be fulfilled, signed by the elders and Kabbalists of the generation, lead by the gaon Rabbi Dov ...
LOT 136: Personal Siddur of the Breslov Leader the Gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dorfman, Including a Haggadah in his Penmanship!. * Personal siddur that belonged to the Breslov Chassidic leader and head of Breslov's Va'ad Olami, the devoted Chassidic gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel HaLevi Dorfman, rosh yeshivah ...
LOT 137: Sacred and Awesome: Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's Tefillin Straps, Used by him on a Daily Basis. "... may the influence of the mitzvah of tefillin be drawn to me for a long life and an abundance of sanctity" Rare and important ritual item - shel yad and shel rosh tefillin straps used by the ...
LOT 138: Banknote for "Shemirah" from the Rebbe Rabbi Itamar'l of Nadvorna, Patriarch of the Dynasty of Nadvona Chassidim. Banknote with a face value of ten US dollars given directly by the Admo"r Rabbi Itamar of Nadvorna, known as 'The Elder Admo"r of Nadvorna' - one of the leading Admo"rim of his ...
LOT 139: Spine-Chilling - a Rare and Powerful "Open" Amulet for Destruction of Haters, Handwritten by the Sandlar HaKadosh. "May it be Your will [Tetragrammaton] that You degrade, destroy, subdue and uproot so-and-so from the world. May his name be obliterated from under the Heavens. May neither he nor ...
LOT 140: The Most Significant Chassidic Ritual Item: Straw from the Noam Elimelech's Bed. "I am writing word for word what I was told by our father, shlit"a [the gaon Rabbi E. Sh. Shmerler ztz"l, rosh yeshivahs of Sanz], on chol hamoed Sukkot 2012, as follows: My father, may he rest in peace, inherited ...
LOT 141: "Ken Tzippor ... From which our Righteous Mashiach will be Revealed" Rare Derashah for the Generation of the Redemption, Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai. Kabbalistic manuscript spanning two large leaves [double the regular size of the Ben Ish Chai's more common leaves], with rare and important ...
LOT 142: Children, Health and Sustenance. Rare Letter of Blessings from Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto. Sacred amulet Letter with powerful blessings from the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto, son of the tzaddik Meluba"n, Rabbeinu Chaim Pinto of Mogador, and grandfather of Kabbalist Rabbi ...
LOT 143: Secrets of Practical Kabbalah from the Rash"sh from a Heavenly "Maggid". "As explained to me by Mar Chalma ..." Very beautiful manuscript discussing deep issues in practical Kabbalah and superseding natural conduct through mystical powers. Two pages written beautifully and exceptionally ...
LOT 144: Manuscript of Practical Kabbalah. Ashkenaz, 18th-19th Century. "I will bring upon you an oath [פוּתַהּ] and from the minister of forgetfulness [א-ג-ף נ-ג-ף ס-ג-ף] that you remove a foolish heart from me, and all difficult illness ..." (one of the oaths) Rare and unique Kabbalistic manuscript ...
LOT 145: Wooden Amulet. Italy, 19th Century. Large amulet for hanging on the wall of one's home. The amulet is carved entirely of beautifully crafted wood. Two parts. The outer part is carved as a thick window frame decorated with shells and leaves. A matching part appears in the middle of the window ...
LOT 146: Illustrated Amulet for Protection of the Home. Italy, 19th Century. Impressive colorful artistically hand-illustrated amulet. At center is the Decalogue with the cherubim and the Tetragrammaton. At right is the Menorat HaMikdash integrated with the verses of "LaMenatzeach B'Neginot" and ...
LOT 147: Group of [5] "Shiviti"s and Amulets on Parchment. 19th-20th Century . Four "shiviti"s on parchment. Sacred Names and verses. LaMenatzeach. Ink on parchment. Various sizes. One amulet for success in livelihood. Ink on parchment. Fine condition. Faded ink. Broken letters.
LOT 148: Wonder of Wonders: Complete Set of [7] Especially Powerful Amulets Given Directly by Rabbi Kadouri Seven Years before his Passing. Message from Heaven Set of seven identical Kabbalistic amulets designed for swallowing (!) - among the most powerful amulets known to Kabbalah. These amulets were ...
LOT 149: Segulah for Protection: Original Print of Rebbe Yeshaya'leh of Kerestir. Hungary, 1920s. . Segulah for Protection: Original Print of Rebbe Yeshaya'leh of Kerestir. Hungary, 1920s Picture of the wonder-worker Rabbi Yeshayah of Kerestir. Original print that was printed in Hungary, just after ...
LOT 150: Seder Plate for Pesach. Stamped Silver. Europe, Early 20th Century. Large silver seder plate. Decorated with reliefs of fruits, plants, and scenes from the Passover haggadah. At center are the simanim of the Seder: Kadesh, U'Rechatz ... Diameter: 47.5 cm. Weight: 1310 grams. Very fine condition.
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