LOTE 152: Seder Sefirat HaOmer Rödelheim, 1900. Miniature with Pictures. Sefirat HaOmer service "with Minchah and Ma'ariv for weekdays and prayers for after Shabbat and Birkat HaLevanah , as well the Kriyat Shema al HaMittah ." Including 5 stunning etchings of illustrations: Omer harvest, splitting the ...
LOTE 157: Talmud Bavli - The Entire Talmud in One Huge Volume! Berdichev, 1896. Babylonian Talmud and the small Yerushalmi tractates, with commentaries. Special elegant collector's edition, in which the entire Talmud is printed in one huge volume containing over 2000 pages and over 10 cm thick! Berdichev ...
LOTE 159: Mishnayot. Amsterdam, 1684-1687. Mishnayot with commentary ... R. Ovadya of Bartenura and with Tosfot Yom Tov ... and revised with first and last editions by the gaon, the author ... and were proofread carefully ... by proficient proofreaders. Amsterdam, David Tartos Press. [1684-1687]. An ...
LOTE 160: Birkat Avot. Livorno, 1865. One of the Ben Ish Chai's First Books. First Edition. Birkat Avot - novellae and hints in Tractate Avot (with its text) by the leader of the Babylonian exile, Rabbeinu Yosef Chaim b"r Eliyahu, author of Ben Ish Chai . Livorno, 1865. First edition. One of the first ...
LOTE 161: Sefer HaRokeach - Chassidic Edition Ordered by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev. Pedigree Copy. Rokeach HaGadol is the renowned book by Rabbi Elazar HaGadol of Germaiza, known by the name of this book, as "the Ba'al HaRokeach . " It was brought to print "by order of the Chassid and gaon, the ...
LOTE 162: Divrei Zikaron. Amsterdam, 1705. Only Edition. Rare and Interesting Book. Divrei Zikaron - a path for life, mussar to awaken the upright in their hearts with our Sages' words and riddles. Laws of ritual slaughter and examination, spiced with mussar ... Rabbi Yosef Stadt Hagen. Amsterdam, 1705. ...
LOTE 163: Yad Yosef. Amsterdam, 1700. Impressive Title Page. Yad Yosef . Pleasant drushim and explanations on the weekly Torah portions by Rabbi Yosef Tzarfati. Emmanuel Attias Press. Amsterdam, 1700. There are two title pages at the beginning of the book. The first title page is entirely illustrated ...
LOTE 164: Rabbi Aharon of Karlin's Will. Earliest Version of "Y-h Echsof" Offered at Auction. "Will" from the sacred writings of the famous pious rabbi ... the G-dly person Rabbi Aharon of Karlin, also a beautiful hymn written by the above-mentioned Rabbi Aharon, who would sing the hymn "Y-h Echsof" with ...
LOTE 165: Shu"t Mahara"m MiRothenburg. First Edition. Prague, 1608. Responsa by Rabbi Meir b"r Baruch Rothenburg [Mahara"m]. Most of the book is the first edition. Incomplete copy. Early owners' signatures - on the title page, the back of the title page and leaf 4. This edition was published by Rabbi ...
LOTE 166: Aderet Eliyahu by Kabbalist Rabbi Raphael Immanuel Chai Riki. Livorno, 1742. Aderet Eliyahu by renowned Kabbalist Rabbi Raphael Immanuel Chai Riki, author of Mishnat Chassidim . The Ohr HaChaim established his yeshivah in the Riki home. Livorno, Meldola Press, 1742. The book includes two parts ...
LOTE 167: Parashat Derachim by the Author of the 'Mishneh L'Melech'. Venice, 1743. Rabbinic Signature. Sefer Parashat Derachim , twenty six Drushim and the booklet Derech Miztvotecha on the number of the Mitzvot, by Rabbi Yehuda Rosanis author of the Mishneh L'Melech . Second edition. Venice, [1743]. On ...
LOTE 169: Zeh Yenachamnu. Amsterdam, [1712]. A Basic Book. Commentary on Midrash HaMechilta , by Rabbi Moshe of Frankfurt. First edition. Slightly faded owner's signature. A complete copy with the approbations leaf. On the title page: First part, however, additional parts were not printed. Basic and ...
LOTE 170: Yosef Ometz. Frankfurt am Main, 1723. First Edition. Signatures. Yosef Ometz - laws and customs for the entire year, with all the early Frankfurt customs in particular, by Rabbi Yosef Yuzpa Haan Neurlingen, av beit din of Frankfurt. First edition. Frankfurt am Main, 1723. This is one of the ...
LOTE 171: Dikduk Eliyahu. The GR"A. Vilna and Horodna, 1833. First ediiton. Sefer Dikduk Eliyahu , rules of grammar by the gaon ... on vowelizations, stresses and vowels. With my elucidation ... Zvi Hirsch son of Menachem Nachum of Safed ... I have also explained the GR"A's elucidation according to the ...
LOTE 172: Ohr Torah by the Maggid of Mezeritch - Leader of the Second Generation of Chassidism. Signatures. Ohr Torah - elucidations on the Torah, Shir HaShirim, Tehillim and compilations of our Sages' aggadahs by the great disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov and his successor in the leadership of the ...
LOTE 173: Sefer Kattan by the Ba'al Shem Tov. Warsaw, 1865. Rare Edition. Miniature. Sefer Kattan - "Kavannat HaMikveh by the pious and G-dly Rabbi Yisrael Ba'al Shem Tov." Warsaw, 1865. Rare edition with supplements printed here for the first time. Early and important Chassidic book with the doctrine ...
LOTE 174: 'Angels' Shulchan Aruch. Pocket Edition. Amsterdam, 1698 [שנת נח"ת]. Signatures. Shulchan Aruch - Even HaEzer, with Hagahot HaRam"a, Be'er HaGolah, and explanations of the words. Carefully proofread. Emmanuel Attias Press, Amsterdam, 1698 [שנת נח"ת]. Two title pages; the first bears pictures of ...
LOTE 175: Shu"t Noda B'Yehuda. Early Edition. Shu"t Noda B'Yehuda , responsa on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch. By Rabbeinu Yechezkel Halevi Segal Landau Av Beit Din of Prague known as author of the Noda B'Yehuda after this book before us - one of the most renowned basic books of rabbinic ...
LOTE 178: Keter Shem Tov. Venice, 1601. Incomplete Copy. Keter Shem Tov - sermons on the Torah by Rabbi Shem-Tov Melamed of Moravia. Matteo Santini Press. Venice, 1601. Page 82b bears a signature/gloss. The book was originally comprised of sermons on all of chamishah chumshei Torah. This copy lacks ...
LOTE 179: Koreh HaDorot - Leading Poet of his Generation. Warsaw, 1838. Only Edition. Koreh HaDorot - "Chronicles of our People, the Seed of Ya'akov" by the leading poet of his generation, Shalom HaKohen. First and only edition. Warsaw, 1838. The book is adorned with approbations by rabbinic leaders of ...
LOTE 181: Kaftor VaFerach by Rabbi Ya'akov Luzzato. Kabbalah. Amsterdam, 1709. Kavanot HaAggadot - Kaftor VaFerach is a commentary on Talmudic aggadot , novellae on the Zohar and wondrous tales, by Rabbi Ya'akov Luzzato, one of the sages of Venice, and later, of Safed. Amsterdam, 1709. Rare. Text of the ...
LOTE 182: Jubilee Book in Honor of Rabbeinu Shimon Shkop, Vilna 1936. Jubilee book in honor of Rabbeinu Shimon Yehuda HaKohen Shkop: On the occasion of fifty years of his fruitful work teaching Torah / presented by his disciples and associates; accompanied by a large compilation authored by the rabbi ...
LOTE 183: Scarce! Shulchan Aruch HaAr"i. Amsterdam, 1709. Pocket Edition. Incomplete Copy. לתקן את הטקסט בסוגריים Shulchan Aruch HaAr"i "published by the Ar"i's disciples, among his other sacred writings." "Iggeret Shabbat" appears at the end, a letter sent by Shabbat to the complete sage, Rabbi Avraham ...
LOTE 185: Nofet Tzufim. Lemberg, C. 1830. Kabbalah. Rare Book. Nofet Tzufim . Wondrous essays with a Kabbalistic commentary by Rabbi Betzalel b"r Shlomo (of Kobrin). Lemberg. On the title page: "Printed in 1804" - although it was in fact printed c. 1830. Special edition of the early book Amudei Shiv'ah . ...
LOTE 189: Kli Yakar [Venice, 1603]. Extraordinarily Rare Book. Two Volumes. Incomplete Copy. Sefer Kli Yakar - commentary on Nevi'im Rishonim by Rabbi Shmuel Laniado, leading rabbi of Aleppo, known as the 'Ba'al HaKeilim' after the name of this book. The book was printed by his son-in-law, R' Avraham ...
LOTE 190: Leshon Limudim. First Book by the Ramcha"l. Mantua, 1727. Rare. Leshon Limudim - Hebrew poetry rules - first book by the avi hamusarriim , Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato [the Ramcha"l], author of Messilat Yesharim and one of the most prominent Jewish philosophers. Mantua, Raphael Chaim of ...
LOTE 191: Sha'arei Zion. Kabbalah. Amsterdam, 1766. Pocket Edition . Sefer Sha'arei Zion, Kabbalistic Tikkunim and prayers by the Kabbalist Rabbi Natan Note Hanover, one of the disciples of Rabbi Chaim Vital. The printing press of Hirtz Levi Rofeh and his son-in-law Kashman. Amsterdam, [1766]. Small and ...
LOTE 192: Ya'arot Dvash by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. Karlsruhe, 1782. First Edition. Ya'arot Dvash by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz, one of the leading poskei halachah of German Jewry in his time. Karlsruhe, 1782. First edition. As stated, this is the first edition of Ya'arot Devash - one of the most ...
LOTE 193: Beit Talmud. Munkacs, 1937 - Inauguration of the Szerdahely Yeshivah. Rare. Beit Talmud - Inauguration of the study hall and of the Torah scroll for the great Szerdahely yeshivah, and the establishment of the "Students' Association" society, which took place on the 2nd, 4th and 5th of Elul, 1936 ...
LOTE 194: Shefer Chamishah Sedarim. Only Edition. Venice, 1733. Shefer Chamishah Sedarim , prayers and tikkunim for the synagogue of the others ... sons of the lofty rabbi Rabbi Yehudah Rovigo. Only edition. Venice, 1733. Owner's signature on the title page. The book is divided into five parts: Tikkun ...
LOTE 197: Chiddushei Yitzchak Ben Pinchas. Königsberg. Uncommon Work. Novellae on the Torah, Na"ch, Mishnayot and Talmud, by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Pinchas [Berman]. Königsberg, c. 1850. Unique composition, authored by an elderly Jew for his descendants. The author writes in his foreword that he has merited ...
LOTE 199: Practical Kabbalah: Goralot Achitofel / Sichat D'kalim. Casablanca. Unknown Edition . Goralot Achitofel with Sichat D'kalim and Refuot. "וההוא כתאב לכט די יחב ידרב לכט..." by David Wizman. Casablanca, [1940?]. Rare edition. Not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and is not in the ...
LOTE 200: Ben HaMelech V'HaNazir. Wanzbek, [1727]. Including the Rare Leaves. Ben HaMelech V'Hanazir, fine vowelized edition of the renowned composition, with a foreword by Rabbi Moshe Hagiz of Jerusalem who was staying in Altona. Wanzbek, [1727]. Printed at the end of the book is Kuntras "M'Sichat ...
LOTE 201: Shu"t Rosh Yosef, by Shabtai Zvi's Rabbi. First Edition. 'She'elat Teshuva', by the gaon Rabbi Yosef Escapa the leading rabbi of Izmir, and some novellae and Poskim. Frankfurt an der Oder. [1709]. First edition. Beautiful illustrated title page. The author Rabbi Yosef Escapa, the rabbi of ...
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