LOTE 1: Lechem Shamayim. The Ya'avetz's First Book. Wandsbek, 1733. Rare Book. Lechem Shamayim , Part I, commentary on the mishnah for the orders of Zera'im and Mo'ed by Rabbi Ya'akov Emden - the Ya'avetz. Wandsbek, 1733. First edition. Pedigree copy. With the compilation Binyan Bait HaBechirah al ...
LOTE 3: Haggadah shel Pesach. Bombay, 1846. Especially Rare Haggadah. The haggadah service in Hebrew with a commentary in Marathi by the expert Rabbi Chaim Yosef Chilgoa of Cochin, and with an elucidation in Marathi by R' Chaim Yitzchak Galtzorcher, printed for the first time. Lithograph. The first ...
LOTE 4: Passover Haggadah. Trieste, 1864. Impressive Copy in a Magnificent Binding. Passover Haggadah with pictures and an Italian translation by Rabbi Avraham Chai Morpurgo [ L’Haggada illustrata. Tradotta da A. V. Morpurgo]. Trieste, 1864. Magnificent haggadah with famous pictures. The pictures were ...
LOTE 5: Sefer HaEvronot. Zolkiew, 1805. Rare. Sefer HaEvronot , foundational book for the establishment of the Hebrew calendar. Calculations of tekufot and moladot from the time of Creation, and the rules of the Hebrew calendar, setting months, and Rosh HaShanah postponement. Scarce book. The common ...
LOTE 6: Shulchan Aruch - Be'er Heitev. The Burned First Edition. Only Copy in the World. Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah with the Be'er Heitev commentary by Rabbi Yehudah Ashkenazi. Amsterdam, Hertz Rofeh Press. 1737. Apparently the only complete copy in the world! Rabbi Yehudah Ashkenazi of Tiktin, author ...
LOTE 7: Rabbeinu Bechayei. Incunabula. Naples, 1492. Peirush Rabbeinu Bechayei al HaTorah - first edition of the known commentary on the Torah, that of Rabbeinu Bechayei, who commentated according to pshat , drash and sod. Printed in Naples in 1492 by Azriel b"r Yosef Ashkenazi. Incomplete copy. ...
LOTE 8: Tzuk HaItim. Salonika, 1652. Especially Rare. The fundamental book that describes the Chmielnicki Massacres as seen by the author. Remembrance of the troubles ... that came upon us ... in the years 1648 and 1649 [ת"ח ות"ט] by Rabbi Meir Ish Shebrashin. [Salonika] Avraham Ger Tzeddek Press. ...
LOTE 9: Sefer Mitzvot Gadol - Sma"g. Venice, Daniel Bomberg Press, 1547. Impressive Volume. Sefer Mitzvot Gadol - ( Sma"g ). Halachic rulings by Rabbeinu Moshe of Khutse. Arranged according to the order of the 613 mitzvahs. With many sources and with the elucidations of Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi. First ...
LOTE 10: Shnem Esreh Derashot. Venice, 1594. First Edition. Shnem Esreh Derashot by Rabbi Shmuel Yehudah Katzenelbogen - Maharashi"k. Venice, Juan Di Gara Press, 1594. First edition. The first eulogies for the Beit Yosef and the Ram"a! One of the sermons is a sermon for Shabbat HaGadol that occurs on ...
LOTE 11: Mishpat Tzedek, First Edition. Salonika, 1615. Rare Book. Mishpat Tzedek , Part I. Responsa by the gaon Rabbi Meir Melamed, son of Rabbi Shem Tov Melamed ztz"l, whose Torah illuminated the Moria region. First edition. Salonika, 1615. Rare book. The author, Rabbi Meir Melamed son of Rabbi Shem ...
LOTE 12: Tehillim - Minsk. Especially Rare Book. Psalms with the Midrash Chachamim commentary authored by the Gr"a's disciple, "the rabbi and preacher ... Rabbi Pinchas son of Yehudah of Plotzk" - "The Maggid of Plotzk." Minsk, 1809. Especially rare book. The author writes in his preface: "I have had ...
LOTE 13: Tefillat HaDerech im She'arei Tefillot. Unknown in the Bibliography. Tefillat HaDerech im She'arei Tefillot Melukatim ... and we have added the entire Kiddush Levanah service, and Avinu Malkeinu for the Ten Days of Repentance and the order of laying tefillin. Vienna. Schmidt Press, 1815? [the ...
LOTE 14: Sefer Tehilim im Seder HaMa'amadot. Miniature. Especially Rare Book. Sefer Tehilim nidpas mechadash bal minei yofi... with Seder HaMa'amadot arranged for all the days of the week. Amsterdam, at the press of Yochanan Levi Rofeh and his Son Binyamin. 1816. Small sefer Tehilim, vowelized. With ...
LOTE 15: Siddur - Seder HaTamid. Per the Custom of the Four Communities - Avignon, 1767. Seder HaTamid , Part II [prayers for Shabbat and festivals, Pirkei Avot, refrains and hymns] arranged by Rabbi Eliyahu Carmi. "Per the custom of the four communities ... of the Vigishin(?) district: Carpentras ...
LOTE 16: Sha'ar HaYichudim, Tikkun Avonot, Tzaddik Yessod Olam and the Commentary Shirim Shel Shabbat, Per the Ar"i. Lemberg, 1855. On the title page: There are also some new amulets here - "expert person, expert amulet" for any bad event - fire, plague ... from our rabbi, the Ar"i HaKadosh. The book ...
LOTE 17: Pair of Sifrei HaGilgulim. Sefer HaGilgulim. First Edition. Rare Book which was at the Eye of the Storm. Sefer HaGilgulim - Premishlan, 1875. Sefer HaGilgulim by Rabbeinu Chaim Vital per what he received from his teacher, the Ar"i, who heard it directly from Eliyahu HaNavi, who appeared to ...
LOTE 18: Gedulat Moshe. Zhitomir, 1864. Unicom?. Gedulat Moshe - a description of the wonderful matters Moshe Rabbeinu wrote .... about the greatness of Moshe Rabbeinu and a lofty description of his ascent to the seven heavens. Zhitomir, at Aryeh Leib Shapira's press. Hebrew and Yiddish. The Hebrew text ...
LOTE 19: Kitzur Likkutei Mohara"n by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Rare Early Edition. Kitzur Likkutei Mohara"n " from the first edition and the second edition ... full of mussar, fear of G-d and proper conduct ... that come out of the wondrous essays that are brought in the great work Likkutei Mohara"n. " ...
LOTE 20: 'Sefer HaMiddot' by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Early and Extremely Rare Edition. "The book is a good friend! This book made me a Jew!" (From the words of Mohara"n of Breslov) Sefer HaMiddot - with the Shemot HaTzaddikim compilation in the margins - these are two segulah books authored by ...
LOTE 21: Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov's Siddur. Rare First Edition of the First Chassidic Siddur. Seder Tefillah L'Kol HaShanah im Kavanot HeAr"i - siddur in nusach Sephard with the Ar"i's intentions and customs, intentions and unifications from the G-dly Ba'al Shem Tov, with glosses and "Dikdukei Sofrim" by ...
LOTE 22: Ateret Tiferet Yisrael. Lublin, 1875. Segulah Book. ... So that it will be in their homes for protection and an abundance of blessing and success..." (The tzaddik of Shtefanesht). Ateret Tiferet Yisrael is a segulah work on the weekly Torah portions by Rabbi Yisrael b"r Rabbi Shlomo Charif, a ...
LOTE 23: Saraf Pri Etz Chaim. Rabbi Moshe Shoham of Dolyna. First Edition. Saraf Pri Etz Chaim - Kabbalistic elucidations on the book [ Pri ] Etz Chaim and more of the Ar"i's writings, by Rabbi Moshe b"r Dan Shoham, rabbi of Dolyna. Chernowitz, 1866. First edition. Pedigree copy. First edition of the ...
LOTE 24: Sefer HaPli'ah. Premishlan. 1883. Segulah Book. Pedigree Copy. Sefer HaPli'ah al Sefer Bereishit ... v'hu Sefer HaKaneh ... by a sacred person, from G-d's word, and his name is Pla'i/wondrous. In the approbations to this edition, the following was written about the segulah: Rabbi Aharon ...
LOTE 25: Ohr LaShamayim of Apta. Lvov, 1850. First Edition. Rare Segulah Book. "L-rd of the worlds, I know that I am in your hand just as clay in the hand of the potter" Ohr LaShamayim , Chassidic work by the renowned Admo"r Rabbi Meir'l of Apta, the most prominent disciple of the Seer of Lublin ...
LOTE 26: Autograph by the Chacham Bashi, Rabbi Ya'akov Entebbe, Renowned Rabbi of Damascus. Two large leaves [16 columns, approximately 1,000 lines] comprising two complete lengthy sermons handwritten by the Chacham Bashi of Damascus, Rabbi Ya'akov Entebbe, renowned rabbi of Damascus in the period of the ...
LOTE 27: Ma'aseh Rabi Yosef de la Reinah with Elucidations of Our Sages' Midrashim, 17th-18th Century. Sephardic rabbinic manuscript, 17th-18th centuries. Manuscript content: 1) Ma'aseh Rabi Yosef de la Reinah (1a-5b). Kabbalist Rabi Yosef de la Reinah from the 15th century became famous for his ...
LOTE 28: 'Pokeach Ivrim' - Ibn Ezra's Sefer HaGoralot. Balkan Countries, 18th-19th Centuries. Sefer HaGoralot - for predicting the future, attributed to the great sage, Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra, including instructions as to how to conduct the lots. The book has several names: Sefer HaGoralot , Pokeach ...
LOTE 29: Early Mission Letter for Emissaries Mahari"t Algazi and Rabbi Ya'akov Chazan, of the Jerusalem Sages, to the Modena Community. Jerusalem, 1770. Early and important missive appointing Rabbi Yom Tov Algazi and Rabbi Ya'akov Chazan to collect funds and solicit contributions from the Modena ...
LOTE 30: Manuscript of 'Et Sofer' by Rabbi Ya'akov Even-Tzur. Meknes, C.1820. The manuscript consists of two parts: Part I - dozens of contract texts, for example: Ketubahs, gets, last wills and testaments; contracts for rentals, sales, forgiveness, gifts, authorizations, protests, notifications and ...
LOTE 31: Hilchot Shechitah with Illustrations. Senneh (Persian Kurdistan), 1802. Manuscript of the laws of ritual slaughter with illustrations, bound together with three rare halachic works, Yemin Moshe , Zikaron LiV'nei Yisrael and Shochtei HaYeladim [Amsterdam, 1718]. The manuscript consists of 30 ...
LOTE 32: Sermon about Tefilin - 'Drashiot Tefilin.' Judeo-Bukharian, 1910. Anthology of sermons for bar-mitzvahs in Judeo-Bukharian (Tajik). Large block vowelized letters. The manuscript begins with a title page bearing a decorative border. Owner's signature at the top of the title page: "Netanel abu ...
LOTE 33: Handwritten Glosses on Ein Ya'akov with Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto's Commentary. Handwritten glosses on the sheets of Sefer Ein Ya'akov with the Meor Einayim commentary by Kabbalist Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, known as Peirush HaRi"f al HaEin Ya'akov. Venice, 1643. The sheet's margins bear several ...
LOTE 34: Sefer Zot Zikaron. Halachahs of Ritual Slaughter. Kurdistan, 19th Century. Manuscript - transcription of the book Zot Zikaron on the laws of ritual slaughter by Rabbi Shmuel son of Rabbi Netanel (author of Dinei Shu"b ). This work is a summary of the seventy improper slaughter methods, to make ...
LOTE 35: Elucidations on the Passover Haggadah and More. Morocco, 20th Century. Moroccan manuscript from the 20th century. Consists of a lengthy elucidation on the hymn 'Dayeinu' in the Passover haggadah, and elucidations of the Sages' aggadahs. Leaves 1-6 bear an elucidation of 'Dayeinu', and the rest ...
LOTE 36: Collection of Manuscripts in the Revealed and Hidden [Torah]. Thick bundle of writings comprising various manuscripts in halachah and Kabbalah that were written/transcribed in Yemen towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Among the manuscripts: * Talmudic ...
LOTE 37: Mishneh Torah L'HaRamba"m [Yemen, 14th Century]. Manuscript of the book Mishneh Torah by the Ramba"m [Yemen, 14th century, about 100 years before the invention of the press]. Many differences from the printed version. There are glosses and comments in the margins of the manuscript along the ...
LOTE 38: Treasure Trove of History from the Chessed El Yeshivah in Jerusalem. 19th Century. Schedule of letters consisting of approximately 300 missives and letters from the yeshivah Chessed El in Jerusalem. Entirely in the hand of Rabbi Binyamin b"r Shlomo Yehudah. Very valuable with historic material ...
LOTE 39: Especially Lengthy Sermon Handwritten by the Ben Ish Chai, 1887. Unprinted!. Especially lengthy compilation (42 pages!) handwritten by the mighty gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, author of Ben Ish Chai , a sermon that he gave in honor of the yahrtzeit of his father, the gaon Rabbi Eliyahu ...
LOTE 40: Discovery: Unknown Novellae by the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Autograph of the book Drush V'Chiddush - Approximately 1200 (!) words in the very hand of the rabbi of the entire diaspora, the gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger. The manuscript is in a different style from the printed text and it includes three ...
LOTE 41: Handwritten Responsum from Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin to Rabbi Zundel of Salant. Unique book of responsa consisting of fascinating questions on mussar topics asked of the gaon Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, and the latter's responsa. The booklet is entirely handwritten by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin's ...
LOTE 42: Ma'alot HaTorah by Rabbi Avraham, Brother of the Gr"a, Autograph by the Rosh Yeshivah of Volozhin with Differences from the Printed Text. Complete manuscript of the book Ma'alot HaTorah , including the introduction - the wondrous book by Rabbi Avraham, brother of the Gr"a of Vilna. The book ...
LOTE 43: Early Commentary on Tur Orach Chayim. Ashkenaz, 16th Century. Short commentary on Tur Orach Chayim simanim 45-130. Askenazic manuscript from the 16th century. The style of the writing matches that of the mid-16th-early-17th century. Written at the top of the final page: "Compilations of ...
LOTE 44: The Alter of Slabodka's Doctrine as Noted by his Leading Disciples. Binder of mussar talks by the Alter of Slabodka, the gaon Rabbi Nathan Tzvi Finkel, patriarch and progenitor of the mussar movement's Slobodka school of thought and one of the leading rashei yeshivahs in Lithuania and the Land ...
LOTE 45: Important Manuscript on the Entire Torah. Ashkenaz, Early 18th Century. Complete early Ashkenazic manuscript (approximately 200 large pages) from the beginning of the 18th century. This manuscript consists of elucidations on the entire Torah and our Sages' midrashim in the order of the weekly ...
LOTE 46: Anthology of Sermons. Ashkenaz, 1819-1831. Manuscript- sermons for Shabbat HaGadol and eulogy for the gaon Rabbi Hertz Shaier, written by a rabbi in one of the communities in the Mainz district. The manuscript includes [11] sermons for Shabbat HaGadol that were delivered between the years ...
LOTE 47: Keter Torah - Complete Manuscript, that was not Printed. Galicia, 1867. "Compilations and commentaries on Chiddushei HaMaharsh"a , and on Choshen Mishpat and Yoreh Deah, also on the second chapter of Avot and various midrashim and other matters" (text of the title page). Complete work in a clear ...
LOTE 48: 'Mas'et Binyamin' - Manuscript by the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Reich, Dayan of Tirna. Not Printed. The book 'Mas'et Binyamin' contains wondrous elucidations on the Torah portions including many elucidations of wondrous midrashim and elucidations of the mesorah . Thick volume covering over 250 pages ...
LOTE 49: Manuscript - Chassidic Essays by a Primary Disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin. Chassidic and Kabbalistic essays on the weekly Torah portions, for the Passover festival and on the Haggadah service, by Rabbi Aryeh Yehudah Leib of Lantzhut and Kishinev, one of the leading disciples of the Seer of ...
LOTE 50: Rash"i's Commentary on the Torah with Differences from the Printed Version and with an Unknown Ancient Commentary. Ashkenaz, 14th Century. Manuscript on parchment removed from its binding. It is a copy of Rash"i's commentary on the Torah, on the portion Acharei Mot. With differences from the ...
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