First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.
LOTTO 251: Maran Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Eliyahu Klatzkin – On Behalf of the Orphans of Yerushalayim. Letter of thanks sent by the heads and leaders of the Holy City of Yerushalayim, headed by the immense Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Eliyahu Klatzkin, the ‘Toras Chesed’ of ...
LOTTO 252: Chochmat Adam and Binat Adam. Szczecin, 1863. Noble Exemplar. Chochmas Adam and Binas Adam, Szczecin, 1863. Exemplar of Rabbi Zalman Chaim Rivlin. Sefer Chochmas Adam I-II, Yoreh De’ah, by Rabbi Avraham Danzig. Szczecin, 1863. Exemplar of Rabbi Zalman Chaim Rivlin. Separate title page for ...
LOTTO 253: 221 - Letter On Topics of Halach from the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap. Responsum letter, by the immense Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Charlap, 1939. Addressed to Rabbi Kalman Frankel. The letter deals with the teachings of the Rashbam on the topic of “acquisition of dividends is like acquisition ...
LOTTO 254: The Split Between Agudas Yisroel And The Eidah Charedis – Jerusalem, 1945. Agreement and a continuation of the Beis Din ruling in the case between the management of Agudas Yisroel and the Community Board of the Eidah Charedis. Unsigned Psak from the members of the Beis Din Tzedek of the ...
LOTTO 255: 221 - Letter of “a Holy Imperative” Regarding Kashrut of Food, by the Members of the Badatz of Yerushalayim. Letter dealing with the “holy imperative” of keeping Kosher, signed by the four members of the Beis Din Tzedek of Yerushalayim, Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis, Rabbi Pinchas Epstein, Rabbi ...
LOTTO 256: Letter from Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis, Gaavad of Yerushalayim. Letter regarding public issues, signed by the immense Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis, Gaavad of Yerushalayim and author of ‘Liflagos Reuven’. 1949 Addressed to Rabbi A.Y. Blumenthal and Rabbi A. N. Porush, the Gaavad comments ...
LOTTO 257: Signatures of the Gaavads of Yerushalayim. Holy signatures of the Geonim, the Tzaddikim who served as Gaavad of the Eidah Chareidis: Maran the Gaavad Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss, the ‘Minchas Yitzchak’ and Maran the Gaavad Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky. Lines added to Chiddushim on different ...
LOTTO 258: Collection of Three Letters Signed by Rabbi Yisrael Yitzchak Reisman. A collection of three letters of charity and Chessed, signed by the holy hand of the immense Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Yitzhak Reisman – Raavad of the Chassidic Communities in Jerusalem. 1960-1968. All addressed to the "Ezras ...
LOTTO 259: Collection of Letters from the Leading Rabbonim of Yerushalayim and Members of the Beis Din Tzedek, For Hacnosas Kallah. Collection of letters from the leading Rabbonim of Yerushalayim on behalf of Hacnosas Kallah. Before us is a collection of letters from the greatest Rabbonim of ...
LOTTO 260: Letter of a Tzedakah Proclamation, from the Rabbonim of the Eidah Charedis in Yerushalayim. Important letter, “a cry and plea” for charity for orphans, signed by the five members of the Beis Din of the Eidah Charedis of Yerushalayim: Rabbi David Yungreis – Raavad, Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss ...
LOTTO 261: Exemplar of Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Master of the Holy Land. Rare! Oneg Shabbos – Pirkei Avot and Barchi Nafshi, with commentary and parables in Yiddish, with an index and prayers for Shabbat afternoon. Piotrków, 1396. Exemplar of Maran the Tzaddik and Gaon Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Gaavad of ...
LOTTO 262: Exemplar of the Gaavad of Yerushalayim, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund. Megillas Ta’anis, listing of the days when miracles were done to the nation and were set as holidays during the 2nd Temple era, together with ‘tractate Chanukah’. First edition, Jerusalem, 1908. Exemplar of the Gaon Maran Rabbi ...
LOTTO 263: Noble. Kesef Nivchar. Exemplar of the Gaavad Maran Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund. Kesef Nivchar, 3 parts. One hundred and sixty principles of the Talmud and writings of the Rishonim and Achronim, by Rabbi Baruch Bendit Gaitin – the Rabbi of Hőgyész. Lemberg, 1865. Exemplar of Maran the Gaon Rabbi ...
LOTTO 264: Letter Regarding Charity Signed by Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund. Aerogramme regarding topics of charity, signed by Maran Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund – Gaavad of Yerushalayim. Addressed to the philanthropists and presidium of the “Ezras Torah” charity organization I the US. Letter in Yiddish ...
LOTTO 265: Letter Regarding Charity, Sent to the Presidium of “Ezras Torah” in the US. Letter on matters of charity, by Rabbi Yechiel Fischel Eisenbach, with additions in the handwriting of Rabbi Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margolis and Rabbi Elimelech Elazar Ehrenberg, from the finest of Yerushalayim. Jerusalem ...
LOTTO 266: 221 - Flag in Honor of the Visit of the Berach Moshe of Satmar in Eretz Yisrael – 1983. דגל בריך מתייך לשלם, שחולק לילדי ירושלים עם ביקורו של הרה"ק בעל 'ברך משה' מסאטמאר בארץ הקודש. שנת תשמ"ג. הדגל לקבלת הפנים יצא לאור בידי העדה החרדית דפעיה"ק, בחודש סיון תשמ"ג. על הדגל ברכות וסיסמאות ותארים ...
LOTTO 267: Letter of Responsa On Halachot of Pesach from Maran the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. Letter of Responsa in Hilchos Pesach, handwritten by Maran Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, Raavad of Yerushalayim, from the great Poskim of the generation. Written on official letterhead of the Netivot Hatorah Vehachesed ...
LOTTO 268: Exemplar of Rabbi Shmuel Heller of Tzfas. Exemplar of Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beis Din of Tzfas. Responsa Toldos Adam, vol. II, by the Rashba. Lemberg, 1811. Second edition. Responsa Toldos Adam (vol. II) by Rabbeinu Shlomo ben Aderet, the Rashba, with responsa Mahari”l. Naftali Hirtz Gros ...
LOTTO 269: Noble. The Exemplar Of Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beis Din Of Tzfas. Ma’aseh Nissim, responsa between Rabbi Avraham, son of the Rambam, and Rabbi Daniel Habavli. Paris, 1867. Exemplar of the holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beis Din of Tzfas, with his signature on the title page. Rabeinu Daniel ...
LOTTO 270: The Gemara of the Tzaddik and Gaon Rabbi Mottel Slonimer, Crown of the Slonimer Chassidim in the Holy Land. Volume of Gemara used by the holy Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Chaim of Sloni, known affectionately as “Reb Mottel Slonimer”. Warsaw, 1865. The volume contains tractates Gittin, Nedarim, Nazir ...
LOTTO 271: Letter of Recommendation from Kollel Wołyń for Those Who Study Torah Despite Financial Hardship. Letter of recommendation for financial support, sent from the managers of the Wołyń Kollel to the managers of the “Va’ad HaKlali” in Jerusalem – on behalf of Rabbi Reuven Leib Hakohen of Keshinow ...
LOTTO 272: Bill of Sale of a Place in the Women’s Section in the Arizal Shul in Tzfas. Receipt and bill of sale from the Gabbaim of the Ashkenazi Arizal Shul in Tzfas and the managers of the Galilee Kollelim. Dec. 1858. In this deed, the Gabbaim of the Ashkenazi Arizal Shul in Tzfas verify that they ...
LOTTO 273: Bill of Sale from the Holy City of Tzfas – Signature of the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Refael Silberman. Bill of sale from the Beis Din of the Gaon Rabbi Refael Silberman – Tzfas, June, 1903. Via this document, Rabbi Yosef Chaim son of Yisachar of Mezhibuzh sells his house and courtyard in ...
LOTTO 274: Letter of the Righteous Gaon Rabbi Asher Werner Av Beis Din of Tveriah. Letter from the Gaon and Tzaddik Rabbi Asher Zev Werner, Av Beis Din of Tveriah – sent to the management of Yeshiva “Toras Chaim” in Yerushalayim. Tveriah, Aug, 1943. In his letter, Rabbi Werner writes to the managers of ...
LOTTO 275: Ancient Handwritten Copy of Sefer ‘Dodi Ve’nechdi’, on the Science of Nature. Handwritten manuscript, Sefer “Dodi Ve’Nechdi” on Natural Science, by Rabbi Berechya HaNakdan (the linguist) – 19th century transcript – from the library of the researcher Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Chaim Halberstam ...
LOTTO 276: Glosses of the Gaon Rabbi Refael Mordechai Borishansky of Homil on Kehilot Yaakov 1st Edition. Sefer Kehilot Yaakov, Chiddushim and responsa by the “Mishkenos Yaakov” of Karlin – Vilna, 1846 – first edition – exemplar of the great Gaon Rabbi Refael Mordechai Borishansky, from the Rabbis of ...
LOTTO 277: Tract ‘Chevlei Mavet’. Printed in Washington DC, 1929. Rare. Pamphlet ‘Chevlei Mavet’, by Rabbi Gedalya Silverstone, Washington DC, 1929. Pocket sized. ‘Chevlei Mavet’, by Rabbi Gedalya Silverstone, Jacob Benjamin Levin press, Washington DC, 1929. Collection of Midrashim regarding the day ...
LOTTO 278: Rare. Kabbalah. Chevel Nevi’im. Warsaw, 1882. Rare. Chevel Nevi’im, Kabbalistic expounding on Shabbat, from four trailblazers, collected from the manuscripts of the holy Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov. Published by Rabbi Chaim Maraz of Vitepsk. Warsaw, 1882. Exemplar of Rabbi Avraham Abba Baumhotz ...
LOTTO 279: Four Seforim of Halacha and Responsa Bound in One Volume. Noble Exemplar. [4] Seforim in one volume: Derech Mitzvotecha, by Rabbi Yehuda Rozanis (Vilna, 1904), Responsa Rabeinu Yaakov of Semila (Piotrków, 1904), Responsa Minchat Yitzchak (Husiatyn, 1906), and Chiddushei Geonim on the Shas ...
LOTTO 280: Even Shmuel. Vilna, 1874. Dedication by the Author, Rabbi Arye Leib Frumkin. Sefer Even Shmuel, biographies of the sages of Yerushalayim, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Frumkin. Vilna, 1874. With dedication by the author. 'Even Shmuel', the biographies of the sages of Yerushalayim (vol. I). By Rabbi ...
LOTTO 281: Rambam's Hilchos Teshuva. Satu Mare, 1936. Rambam’s Hilchos Teshuva with Kesef Mishne. Satu Mare, 1936. “Hilchos Teshuva from Sefer Mishne Torah, with the Raavad’s dissertations and Kesef Mishne commentary, for the benefit of our brethren who do not readily have the Rambam’s Seforim and yearn ...
LOTTO 282: Letter Regarding Public Issues from Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin. Letter regarding urgent and immediate matters, by the famed Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levine, chairman of Global Agudas Yisroel and son-in-law of the holy Imrei Emes of Gur. 1956. Addressed to the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Aharon ...
LOTTO 283: Rare Letter from the Management of a Talmud Torah in Ropshitz – 1925. Rare letter from the daily life of pre-war Ropshitz: A letter from the leadership of the Talmud Torah in Ropshitz, hometown of the famous and holy Rabbi Naftali Tzvi of Ropshitz, sent to an important donor. 1925. In the ...
LOTTO 284: Historic Letter. Centennial Celebration For the Chevra Kadisha in Tirnau – 1901. Historic document, announcing the celebration of the centennial of the Chevra Kadisha in Tirnau, Hungary. Shvat, 5661 (February 1901). The Chevra Kadisha was established in 1801, and the heads of the Chevra ...
LOTTO 285: Invitation to a Reception in Honor of Albert Einstein – Jerusalem. Invitation from the National Council of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem to a reception in honor of the genius scientist and Nobel Prize winner Professor Albert Einstein – 1923 Inviting are the Zionist Management in Eretz ...
LOTTO 286: Rare Exemplar of Rabbi Shalom Shachna, Rabbi of Copenhagen. Sefer “Chiddushei Halachot” by the Maharam Shiff – Brünn, 1788 – exemplar of the Gaon Rabbi Shalom Shachna, Av Beis Din of Copenhagen – Rare! On the title page a signature: “Hashem gifted me this – the young Shalom Shachna son of ...
LOTTO 287: ‘Hegyon Lev’ by Rabbi Tzirelson – First Edition – Exemplar of the Holy Rabbi Meir of Vishiwa. Sefer Hegyon Leiv, Drushim by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Tzirelson, Av Beis Din of Kishinev – Kishinev, 1829 – first edition – exemplar or Admor Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Meir Hager of Vishiwa (Vişeu), with his ...
LOTTO 288: 221 - Postcard – Letter from Rabbi Meshulam Roth. Letter of response in the handwriting of the Gaon Rabbi Meshulam Roth of Chernivtsi. Cârlibaba, 1932. Addressed to Rabbi Chaim Waltzer, the letter confirms Rabbi Roth’s the receipt of his letter and tells him that he is doing well and that he has ...
LOTTO 289: Letter from Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Ferber of London. Handwritten letter from Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Ferber, from the Rabbis of London. Addressed to Rabbi Dr. Chaim Cohen, regarding the situation of Torah institutions in Yerushalayim, the poverty and want due to the riots and looting, and asking whether ...
LOTTO 290: Letter from Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller, Av Beis Din of Târgu Neamț. Postcard, New Year’s greetings, handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Roller, “Father of the Agunot” and Av Beis Din of Târgu Neamţ. 1925. Addressed to Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg. In opening, Rabbi Roller writes regarding a ...
LOTTO 291: 221 - Postcard from the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Tobias. Postcard, handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Tobias, Rav of Piatra Neamţ in Romania – 1958. Addressed to Rabbi I Halevi, Shochet and Rabbi of Târgu Ocna. In the letter, Rabbi Tobias apologizes for his “long silence” which was caused by various ...
LOTTO 292: Ateret Tzvi. First Edition, Zolkiew, 1841. Noble Exemplar. Sefer “Ateret Tzvi” by the Maharatz Chayut – collection of six compositions on various Tora-based research. Zolkiew, 1841 – First edition – exemplar of the Torah researcher Rabbi Shem-tov Gagin, with his interesting research-based ...
LOTTO 293: Exemplar of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Suzin. Sefer Chesed Ve’Emet, Salonika, 1813, with signatures of the owner, Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Suzin. Moshe Yehuda Suzin might be a relative of Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Suzin that was one of the leading Charity Collectors and sages of Yerushalayim, and was appointed ...
LOTTO 294: Handwritten Copy in Sephardic Script of Sefer “Shchitot Ubdikot” by Mahari Weil. Eastern manuscript, transcription of Sefer “Shchitot Ubdikot” by Rabbi Yaakov Weil (Mahari Weil) – Amsterdam, 1852. Sefer “Shchitot Ubdikot” by the Mahari Weil (who lived in the first half of the 15th century) ...
LOTTO 295: Handwritten Letter from Rabbi Yehoshua Adehan of Fes, Ca. 1840. [1] pg. Ending of a letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yehoshua Adehan. Morocco. Second half of the 19th century. “I the writer, Yehoshua Adehan, Hashem will keep him and give him life, Amen”. Morocco, 2nd half of the 19th ...
LOTTO 296: Resolving a Goral. Part of a Handwritten Manuscript. Manuscript. Portion of a work on the resolving of Goralos. (ca. 19th century) Middle-eastern, Sepahrdic handwritten manuscript, regarding resolving the casting of lots. [4] pp. including a chart titled “rules of leniency as per the ...
LOTTO 297: Beis Din Rulings from the Beis Din of Tangiers – Ca. 1800. Beis Din rulings regarding ownership through a courtyard, signed by the Dayanim of Morocco. Tangiers, Morocco, 1797-1805. [3] pp. Sephardic handwriting, with signatures of the Rabbonim of Morocco: Rabbi Mordechai Larido, Rabbi Avraham ...
LOTTO 298: Letter Sent to the Holy Gaon the Abir Yaakov from the Dayanim of Meknes . Letter from the Dayanim of Meknes, to the Dayanim of Tafilalt, Rabbi Yaakov Abuḥatzeira, the ‘Abir Yaakov’, and Rabbi Yiḥyeh Iluz. Meknes, 19th century. Letter signed by Rabbi Yiḥya Alkareif and Rabbi Shmuel Halevi ibn ...
LOTTO 299: Letter from the Dayan Rabbi Avraham Abukazir, Av Beis Din of Alexandria. Letter from Rabbi Avraham Abikazir, Rav of Alexandria. Alexandria, 1912. Letter of Rabbi Avraham Abikazir, head of the Beis Din Tzedek of Na Amun (Alexandria), to Rabbi Yaakov Halevi. Handwritten and signed by him. ...
LOTTO 300: Bei Din Ruling Signed by the Dayanim of the Beis Din of Fes – 1891. Long Beis Din rulin, signed by the Dayanim of Fes: Rabbi Abba Atiyeh, Rabbi Refael Even Tzor, and Rabbi Yosef Halevi Juli. Morocco, 1891. Copy of a bill of sale of land and houses in Fes. Handwritten and signed by the Dayanim ...
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