LOTE 101: Memorial Album, Sholom Aleichem. New York, 1916. Zichron Album: Tzum shloshim achar haptira shel Sholom Aleichem (Iyar 6 - Sivan 10 1916). Memorial album marking 30 days since the passing of Sholom Aleichem, with 17 photographs, some of them from his funeral. 1916. Size: 21X27 cm. Printed on ...
LOTE 102: Di Yiddishe Socialistishe Bavegung biz der Grindung fun "Bund" - Farshungen, Zichronot, Materialen. Vilna'Paris, 1939. Rare, an anthology recalling the stories of the Jewish Socialistic movements that preceded the "Bond" movement in Europe. Editors: Eliyahu Tcherikower, A. Menes, P. Korsky, A. ...
LOTE 104: Medinat HaYehudim, First Hebrew Edition, Printed in the Same Year as the First German Edition. Warsaw, [1896]. Dr. Theodor Herzl, Medinat Hayehudim (Der Judenstaat), a new way to solve the Jewish question. Translated, under a special license by the author, by Michel Berkowitz, published by ...
LOTE 106: Tehillim Translated into German by Johann Michaelis, First Edition, Göttingen 1771 . Johann David Michaelis deutsche Uebersetzung des Alten Testaments mit Anmerkungen für Ungelehrte, Der sechste Theil welcher die Psalmen enthält. Göttingen und Gotha, ben Johann Christian Dieterich, 1771. The ...
LOTE 111: Sinat Chinam. Vilna 1902. Rare. Composition against Herzl and Zionism, by Yehoshua Zelig Dorman, Vilna, Piroshnikoff, 1902. A sharp-tongued composition in Yiddish, written in Dr. Herzl's lifetime. On the title page: Sinat Chinam and on the top of the pages: Zadon U'Meshuga. At the end of the ...
LOTE 112: Zichron Yosef. First Edition. With the Rare Introductory Leaves Opposing Chassidut. Shu"t Zichron Yosef - responsa and novellae by Rabbi Yosef Steinhart, av beit din of Furth. First edition. Furth, 1773. Including the rare introductory leaves with a sharp criticism of Chassidut. Mif'al ...
LOTE 113: The Techelet Controversy: First Editions of the Books by the 'Ba'al HaTechelet' of Radzyn to Prove his Method. * Shafunei Temunei Chol - the first book by Rebbe Gershon of Radzyn, son of the Admo"r of Izhbitza, in which he 'dropped the bomb' that he rediscovered techeilet . First edition. Warsaw ...
LOTE 114: Pi Shnayim - Chassidic Controversy in Hungary. Including a Letter from the Holy Rav of Liska the Rabbi of Rabbi Yeshayale of Kerestir. Pi Shnayim , Two letters that shed light on Techunat R' Elazar Lowy . Booklet against Rabbi Elazar Lowy after he succeeded in being appointed rabbi of Ungvar. ...
LOTE 115: Kuntress Acharei HaRa'ash - Controversy about Machine Matzahs. הכיתוב שונה מעט. לא לתרגם את המסומן בצהוב Kuntress Acharei HaRa'ash - results of the dispute clarification - Jerusalem sages regarding machine matzah, by the Admo"r Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Stropkov. [Jerusalem, 1956?] ...
LOTE 116: Mishmeret HaBrit. Beck Press. Jerusalem, 1846. Signatures. Mishmeret HaBrit is a work on topics in faith; a dispute with the opinions of the apostates, by Rabbi Aviezer ben Yitzchak of Tiktin. Yisrael Beck Press. Jerusalem, 1846. Owner's stamp on the title page: "Rabbi Gedaliah Silverstone" ...
LOTE 118: Luchat Edut. Altona, 1755. Work of Historic Importance. Apologetic work by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz, with letters and poster from rabbis, parnassim and community leaders, who stood at his side. First edition. Copy lacking the end. Main work by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz to justify his path ...
LOTE 119: Ohr HaYashar, the Controversy of the 'Cleves Gett'. First Edition. Pedigreed Copy. Ohr HaYashar - responsa, Psakim and writings from 1766-1768 regarding 'The Cleves Gett' affair. Edited by Rabbi Aharon Shimon of Kopenhagen, "Scribe and trustee of the state of Köln". Complete first edition ...
LOTE 120: Kur Mitzraf HaEmunot V'Mareh HaEmet - Dispute with Chrisitans and Converts. First Edition. Metz, [1847]. An essay about disputes with Christianity, by Rabbi Yitzchak Lupis, of the sages of Aleppo in the 17th century. On the title page: Dah Mah Shetashiv LeApekoris. An important and basic book ...
LOTE 121: Tehillat E-l, Rare Prayer Book. Furth, 1859. Tehillat E-l , rare prayer book. Hebrew and German. Double-sided opening. Double title pages. Written on the front title page: Tefillat E-l . On the back title page, "Tachanunai Bnot Yehudah." On the leaf preceding the title page, there is a ...
LOTE 122: Rödelheim Siddur - Final Edition from Pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany. * Siddur Sefat Emet - Renowned siddur by Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim [the Rawa"h] published in approximately 200 editions. Rödelheim, 1938 - 157th edition - final edition of the Rödelheim siddur published in pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany ...
LOTE 123: Megillat Esther. Miniature. Tikkun Sofrim? Amsterdam the 18th Century?. Scroll of Esther written in the Kosher format, printed on folding continuous paper [like an accordion]. Parchment-like. The scroll is written in the 'HaMelech' format with a separate page for Asseret Bnei Haman. [22] pp. ...
LOTE 124: Minchat Erev. Miniature. Amsterdam, 1898. Especially Rare. Minchat Erev LiVnei Sepharad . Minchah and Aravit prayer services for weekdays per the Sephardic custom. Amsterdam, D. de Miranda Jr., 5658. Exceptionally rare siddur. Namiddag- en avondgebed voor gewone werkdagen, uitgaande Sabbat ...
LOTE 125: Haggadat Ben-Chorin. Metz, 1767. First Illustrated Haggadah Printed in France. Passover Haggadah, Beit Chorin , with the Alshich's commentary, Gevurot Hashem and Ollelot Ephraim . Spectacular copperplates. Two title pages - the first of which is illustrated, by Moshe Metz/Joseph Antoine. Metz ...
LOTE 126: Zemirot Yisrael. Tehillim with Elucidations. First Edition. Berlin, 1785-1791. Tehillim with translation by Moses Mendelssohn, elucidated by Yoel Brill, with the Seforno commentary. Berlin, Chevrat Chanoch Ne'arim Press, 1785-1791. First edition with Moses Mendelssohn's translation in Hebrew ...
LOTE 127: Machzor Ostroh. 1829. Machzor for the three pilgrimage festivals, according to the custom in Poland, Pihem and Mehrin, Lithuania and Reisin. Hebrew and Yiddish. Ostroh, 1829. "With a commentary in Hebrew and a commentary in German." Spectacular Zodiac woodcuts in Tefillat HaGeshem and Tefillat ...
LOTE 128: Torat Moshe. First Edition of the Rawa"h Chumash (and Siddur). Rödelheim, 1818. "If not for him - hymns would already have lapsed and not be recited anymore in our generation" (The Chatam Sofer regarding the Rawa"h) Chumash Torah Moshe - Bereishit, with German translation and the Minchah ...
LOTE 129: Rare Siddur, Unknown in the Bibliographies: Seder Tefillah. Stuttgart, 1862. Seder Tefillah - Israelitische Gebetordnung : für Synagoge und Schule, wie zur häuslichen Gottesverehrung / bearbeitet und aus Auftrag der König. Württemb. Oberkirchenbehorde, published by Joseph Maier. Stuttgart, 1862. ...
LOTE 130: Siddur Rav Amram Gaon. Important and Magnificent Edition. Jerusalem, 1912. Seder Rav Amram HaShalem - two parts with separate title pages. Arranged by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Frumkin. Zuckerman Press, Jerusalem, 1912. Important edition of this early siddur. High-quality paper. Color page cuts. ...
LOTE 131: Machzor. Prague. Unknown? 17th Century?. Prayer services for Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and the three pilgrimage festivals. Apparently printed in Prague in the early 17th century. Incomplete edition. Machzor with vowelized letters, with hymns and yotzrot . Similar to the machzor printed in ...
LOTE 132: Tehillim with Yiddish Translation. Brünn, 1797. Only Edition. Tehillim translated into the pure Ashkenazic language [Yiddish] by Falk Cohen of Roistitz. Brünn, 1797. Only edition. Large format Tehillim, elegant and easy-to-read. The verses and their translations are on facing columns. The ...
LOTE 133: Ktav HaDa"T. Purim Firenze . Prayer service for the Firenze [Florence] community on the first anniversary of its rescue from a pogrom, by Rabbi Daniel Tirani. Livorno, 1791. Only edition. On 27 Sivan 1790, the Jewish community of Florence was saved "When a force gathered to wreak havoc and loot ...
LOTE 134: HaPa'am Odeh. Prayers. Amsterdam. 1838. Especially Rare. This book ... to educate children ... includes the five haftarahs of Passover with Targum Yonatan ben Uziel, the six Pirkei Avot, Mishlei, Iyov, Daniel and the Passover Haggadah, entirely per the custom of the Western countries, by R' ...
LOTE 135: Ohr Boker, Anthology of Rare Prayers. Venice, 1740. Historic Information. Ohr Boker - Rare prayers composed for the eve of Rosh Chodesh, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, for minchah during Shovevim and more, by Rabbi Yosef Piametta. Venice, 1740. With historic information about the earthquakes in ...
LOTE 136: Sefer Tikkun Shabbat. Livorno, 1856. Rare. Sefer Tikkun Shabbat. Kabbalistic Siddur for Sabbath according per the Sephardic custom. Which is Seder "Tikkunei Shabbat" with the prayers Kabalat Shabbat, Aravit, Mincha and Aravit for Motzaei Shabbat. Livorno, [1856]. On the title page, a stamp of ...
LOTE 138: Haggadah shel Pesach. Rödelheim, 1823. One of the First Haggadahs Printed by the Rawa"h. Haggadah L'Leil Shimurim , precisely proofread, arranged and translated into German by me, Wolf b"r Shimshon z"l Ish Heidenheim. Rödelheim, Heidenheim Press. 1823. One of the first haggadahs printed by R' ...
LOTE 139: Siddur Tziluta D'Avraham. Lemberg, 1834. Bibliographically Unknown. Siddur Tziluta D'Avraham per the Sephard custom, including Seder Ra'av"n with Derech HaChaim . Lemberg, Avraham Yosef Madpis Press. 1874. Separate title page printed at the end of the siddur for the Tehillim. Siddur for the ...
LOTE 142: Passover Haggadah, Venice, 1609. Magnificant Facsimile. Passover Haggadah, Venice, 1609, printed by Rabbi Yisrael Ben Daniel HaZafroni in Venice - magnificent facsimile, original edition, Jerusalem 1974. Numbered copy. From the foreword by Prof. Bezalel Narkis: "The Venice Haggadah is one of ...
LOTE 143: Machzor for the High Holidays, Slavuta - Józefów, 1848. Machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom HaKippurim per the custom of Poland, Reisin, Lithuania, Pihem, Mehrin. Printed in tiny letters at the bottom of the title page: Józefów - the original place of printing, and under it, in huge letters, "in ...
LOTE 144: Passover Haggadah, HaMarbeh Lesaper. Karlsruhe , [1791]. Passover Haggadah with the HaMarbeh Lesaper elucidation [by Rabbi Yedidya Tiah Weill]. Karlsruhe, [1791]. First edition. The author Yedidya Tiah Weill, one of the greatest of his generation, the son of the author of the 'Korban Netanel' ...
LOTE 145: Ma'assei Hashem. Passover Haggadah, Venice, [1583]. First Edition. Gedolim Ma'assei Hashem . Elucidations on the Torah and matters of the Exodus from Egypt, with the entire version of the Passover Haggadah and an extensive commentary on the Haggadah, by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. Venice, [1583]. ...
LOTE 148: A Couple of Handmade Color Illustrated Haggadot, Untraditional. Untraditional Haggadah for Passover, colorful and illustrated, with an additional booklet with the Simanim of the Seder and songs. Fine general condition, aging stains.
LOTE 150: Haggadah. Vienna 1928. With Drawings of the Rabbis of the Family of the Chata"m Sofer. Passover Haggadah with a German translation and elucidation by Dr. Philip Schlesinger and Joseph Gunz, with large, spectacular colorful drawings. Including two huge drawings on two large pages. Printed in ...
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