Leilão 28 History and culture - the rise of the people and the heritage of Israel including travel and research books, language and literature, photographs and documents - Israel, Palestine and the Middle East

Por Safra and Saifa

52 Hertzel st. Kfar - Saba , Israel

Our new catalog presents a section  dedicated to the estate of Zalman Shoken - the founder of Shoken Publishing, and the owner of the "Haaretz" newspaper, which he purchased at the end of 1935,

and other items from the estate of Prof. Emmanuel Marx - Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology - at Tel Aviv University, recipient of the Israel Prize for Sociology Research for the year 2018 and an honorary member of the British Royal Anthropological Institute.

These items include research books in history and language, travel books, poetry books in special editions and more....

Alongside these are displayed many  items for the history of the people of Israel and Zionism, photographs, letters, works by the best artists and other items.

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