RB Fine Arts July Art and Antique Auction

от RBFine Arts

339 E. Burleigh Blvd, Tavares, FL 32778, Соединенные Штаты

RB Fine Arts July Art and Antique Auction. Please make sure you have read the Terms and Conditions before you bid. Any registration and/or bid placed by you guaranteed RBFineArts CFL Inc. you have read and will abide by the following Terms and Conditions of the sale. This auction will feature item from several estates. Paintings, Artifacts, Pre Colombian, Ice Age Inuit, Bronzes, Mid Century Modern Furniture, Ancient Egyptian, Chinese Jades Dzi Beads (ALL FROM THE SAME ESTATE), Stoneware, Crocks Marbles, Coins And Much Much More! We list lots daily so keep checking and also go to RBFineArts website to save 4% on buyer's premium.

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