LOT 1: Letter of historical recommendation in manuscript and signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Ben Atar - on the greatness of Rabbi Israel Yitzchak Aharon Landsberg רבי ישראל יצחק אהרן לנדסברג אב"ד גרוסוורדיין (תקס"ד-תרל"ט) מגדולי וחשובי תלמידי החתם סופר. היה ממקורבי ואהובי החתם סופר, אהבתו לרבו ...
LOT 2: A long two page letter Torah innovations handwritten and signed by Rabbi Dr. Jacob Kohn, Leipzig, to the Gaon Rabbi Mordechai Meir Friedman . Rabbi Mordechai Meir son of Rabbi Yisrael Yom Tov Friedmann [d. 1988] was the last rabbi of Kitsee. He was a disciple of Rabbi Yosef Elimelech Kahana, Av ...
LOT 4: Rabbi Avraham Aryeh Leib Rosen, Falticeni Rav. מכתב רבי אברהם ראזען מפולטשאן אל הגאון רבי משולם ראטה אב"ד טשערנאוויץ מכתב בכתב ידו וחתימתו של הגאון רבי אברהם אריה לייב ראזען אב"ד פולטשאן – רומניה הג"ר אברהם אריה ליב ראזען היה מהבולטים שברבני רומניה. כיהן ברבנות בוהוש, מוינעשט וטאפולצ'אן ...
LOT 5: Sermon by Rabbi Eliyahu Buchko, Rosh Yeshivah of Montreux. Lengthy sermon covering four large pages, all handwritten by the gaon Rabbi Yerachmiel Eliyahu Buchko, rosh yeshivah of Montreux in the Swiss Alps. It was a lighthouse and shelter for many of the elite of the Torah world while Europe ...
LOT 6: Interesting letter from Rabbi Naftali [Herman] Adler, rabbi of England. London. To Rabbi Shmual Salant "הננו שולח בזה שטר... של העזבון אשר הונח אחריו ברכה המונח רבי אברהם יהודה מאזעס..." הרב נפתלי [הרמן] הכהן אדלר [1911-1839] נולד בגרמניה בעיר הנובר לרב נתן מרקוס אדלר. בהיותו בן שש עקרה ...
LOT 7: A long letter in manuscript and signed by Rabbi Eliezer Mish'el Abd Turka רבי אליעזר ב"ר דב הלוי סג"ל מישל (ה'תרכ"ג, 1863 – ה'תרצ"ט/ה'ת"ש, 1939) רבן שלגאלאגאוו (גלגורה) וטורקא שבגליציה, מחבר "משנת אליעזר". חבר "אגודת הרבנים הכללי". נפטר בתקופת השואה (סמוך מאד לפני או אחרי פרוץ המלחמה) ממחלת ...
LOT 8: Historic Letter by Rabbi Yeshaya Fuerst Av Beit Din of Kehal Adat Yisrael " Schiffshul " in Vienna - About his longing to immigrate to Israel Rabbi Yeshaya Fuerst (1856-1943), a leading disciple of the Ktav Sofer and son of the Shevet Sofer in the Pressburg Yeshiva. Son of Rabbi Moshe Av ...
LOT 9: Certificates of Appointment as Shochet and Bodek - Chabad Community in Disna - With the Signatures of Hundreds of Community Notables - Disna, 1866 / 1911 . כתבי מינוי לשו"בים - קהילת חסידי חב"ד בדיסנא - עם מאות חתימות של חשובי הקהילה - דיסנא, תרכ"ו / תרע"א שני מסמכים מהקהילה החב"דית בעיירה ...
LOT 10: Letter by Rabbi Yaakov Rosenheim. מכתב מאת רבי יעקב ראזענהיים מנהיגה של של אגודת ישראל. רבי יעקב רוזנהיים (תרל"ה - תשכ"ו) היה מייסדה של אגודת ישראל ועמד בראשה בימי הרת עולם, בימי מאבקיה בתנועות הציונות השונות, בימי מלחמות העולם הראשונה והשנייה, ובימי קום מדינת ישראל, רבינו ידע להלך נגד רוחו של ...
LOT 11: Letter by Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Levin—leader of Agudas Yisrael - 1944 הגאון החסיד רבי יצחק (איצ'ה) מאיר לוין [תרנ"ג - תשל"א], מנהיג אגודת ישראל, חבר הכנסת ושר הסעד הראשון בממשלת ישראל ומחותמי מגילת העצמאות. נולד בעיירה גורה קלוואריה שליד העיר ורשה שבפולין (שנכללה באימפריה הרוסית), לרב חנוך צבי ...
LOT 12: Letter by Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana [1869-1953], Av Beit Din of Warsaw and the Ashkenazi rabbi of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem until its fall in 1948. He studied Torah in the Volozhin yeshiva from Rabbi Chaim HaLevi Soloveitchik and the Netziv, as ...
LOT 13: Long Letter in the handwriting of Rabbi Pinchas Epstein, rahavad of the eda hacharedit רבי פנחס אפשטיין. ראב"ד העדה החרדית. דיין בבית הדין של העדה החרדית בתקופתם של הרב יוסף חיים זוננפלד והרב יצחק ירוחם דיסקין. לימד בישיבת תורת חיים. בשנת תש"ח נבחר להיות ראב"ד העדה החרדית לאחר שהרב זליג ...
LOT 14: letter handwritten and signed by the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe Kliers the Rav of Tiberius The Holy Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers (1876-1934) one of the Geonim and Tzaddikim of the generation, the Chief Rabbi of Tiberius since 1909. Established the great 'Or Torah' yeshiva which had legions of Talmidei ...
LOT 15: handwritten by the Jerusalemite Gaon Rabbi Nachum Shadiker. on Heter Agunah - Not Printed?. handwritten by the Jerusalemite Gaon Rabbi Nachum Shadiker. on Heter Agunah - Not Printed?Rabbi Nachum Loewy (1810-1865) - Av Beis Din of Shadik who was called after it Rabbi Nachum Shadiker. ...
LOT 16: Letter Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis the Author of Liflagos Reuven The great Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis [1864-1953] author of Liflagos Reuven and Rosh Av Beis Din of HaEidah HaChareidis of Jerusalem, a pillar of Hora'ah and Halacha. Rosh Yeshiva of the Ohel Moshe ...
LOT 19: Letter by Rebbetzin Rasha Leah Karelitz - Kosava, 1933 . Letter by Rebbetzin Rasha Leah Karelitz - Kosava, 1933 A letter (in Yiddish) handwritten and signed by Rebbetzin "Rasha Karelitz". Kosava, The letter was written to her children Rebbetzin Rasha-Leah Karelitz (ca. 1854-1940) ...
LOT 20: Names for prayer in the handwriting of Maran Chazon Ish . Names for prayer in the handwriting of Maran Chazon Ish Kvitel of names for prayer, in the handwriting of Maran Chazon Ish. The Chazon Ish use to write on pages the names of Seeking salvation and prayer.
LOT 21: Letter from Rebbetzin Rasha Leah Karelitz, Mother of the Chazon Ish הרבנית ראשה לאה קרליץ (תרי"ד בערך-חשון תש"א), בתו של הגאון רבי שאול קצנלבוגן אב"ד קוסובה וקוברין. בשנת תרל"ד נישאה לבעלה הגאון רבי שמריהו יוסף קרליץ (תרי"ב-תרע"ו), שבשנת תרמ"ב מונה לרבה של קוסובה (הסמוכה להורודנא), על מקום ...
LOT 23: A letter from Rabbi Yosef Haim Sonnenfeld - about those who do not come to Yeshiva "אני תמה מי שלא בא לישיבה מפני שנצרך להגאון נ"י ש"י... לכתיבת חידושיו הרי הוא כמי שלומד בישיבה ועוד יותר מזה, ופשיטא שלא יגרע מחלקו בהישיבה..." הגאון ראב"ד רבי יוסף חיים זוננפלד (תר"ט-תרצ"ב) - רבה הראשון ...
LOT 24: A document with the signature of the tzaddiki of Jerusalem, the tzaddik Rabbi David Ben Haran, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Wachtfuegel - and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld . A document with the signature of the tzaddiki of Jerusalem, the tzaddik Rabbi David Ben Haran, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Wachtfuegel - ...
LOT 25: Letter written with the signature of the Gaon Rabbi Chanoch Dov (Henich) Padova. London 1968 Rabbi Chanoch Dov (Henich) Padwa [1908-2000], Av Beit Din of the Union of Ultra-Orthodox Congregations in London and author of the responsa "Chashav Ha'Efod". When he immigrated to the Land of Israel ...
LOT 27: Letter of recommendation by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach. . Letter of recommendation by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach. Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (1910-1995) was the author of Minchas Shlomo and a leading halachic authority in the last generation who dealt with many ...
LOT 28: Letter of recommendation by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach. . Letter of recommendation by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach. Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (1910-1995) was the author of Minchas Shlomo and a leading halachic authority in the last generation who dealt with many ...
LOT 29: Letter by the Gaon the Rosh Yeshiva and Lithuanian leader Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach Maran the great Gaon, Rosh Yeshiva and president of Mo'etzes Gedolei Hatorah Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach [1897-2002] one of the greatest Ma'atikei Hashmu'ah and leaders of the world of yeshivas. The ...
LOT 30: Letter from the Sar HaTorah, the Gaon of Tchebin. Jerusalem, 1948 The great Gaon Posek Hador Rabbi Dov Berish Wiedenfeld [1881-1966] the Rav of Tshebin and Its Rosh Yeshiva. One of the leading rabbis in Galicia and Eretz Yisroel after World War II. The son of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov the author ...
LOT 31: Four pages full of Torah innovations on the matter of Putting tefillin in the handwriting of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef הגאון רבי עובדיה יוסף (תרפ"א-תשע"ד 1920-2013), נולד בבגדאד ובעודו תינוק עלה עם הוריו לירושלים. מגיל צעיר נודע בגאונותו והחל לחבר ספרים ולהרביץ תורה ברבים. בשנת תש"ח נסע לכהן ברבנות ...
LOT 32: Letter from Rabbi Refael Yeshayah Azulai av”d Ancona – oldest son of the Chida. Rabbi Refael Yeshayah Azulai (1743-1826) was the oldest son of the great Rabbi Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai – the Chida. He was born in Jerusalem and was a Torah giant. He answered many halachic questions. Some of ...
LOT 33: rare! 9 Sides Torah renewals handwritten and signed by the holy Gaon Rabbi Yonathan Abelman? Rabbi of Bialystok Chavrusa of Rabbi Israel of Slant. rare! 9 Sides Torah renewals handwritten and signed by the holy Gaon Rabbi Yonathan Abelman Rabbi of Bialystok Chavrusa of Rabbi Israel of Slant ...
LOT 35: An important letter from Rabbi Yeshayahu Kalisz, dayan of the Presburg community. Handwritten, his signature about the books of his father-in-law, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman, Rabbi of Preshburg רבי ישעיהו קאליש הי"ד, אב”ד טורנוי ומבית הדין הגדול בפרסבורג, נולד בעיר דיאסעג שבהונגריה בסביבות ...
LOT 36: A letter from the genius Rabbi Chaim Berlin about sending money: "From the new collectors Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Blazer and also from Rabbi Gardan" R. Chaim Berlin (1832-1912), foremost Torah scholar in his generation and an illustrious Torah figure in Lithuania and Jerusalem. Eldest son of the ...
LOT 37: A letter from Rabbi Chaim Berlin to Rabbi Shmuel Salant - a list of supporters and benefactors. מכתב מהגה"ק רבי חיים ברלין אל הגה"ק רבי שמואל סלאנט - רשימה עם תומכים ונדיבים - ביאלא תרמ"ז
LOT 38: A letter signed together by the three rabbis Hovavi-Zion: Rabbi Shmuel Mohliber, the Naziv of Volozhin and Rabbi Mordechai Elishberg. - A very rare historical item, the likes of which have never been offered at auction.A letter signed together by the three rabbis Hovavi-Zion: Rabbi Shmuel ...
LOT 39: "What is the world and what is the value of man" morals and words of the Torah in the handwriting of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Scher - 1919 - two pages. "What is the world and what is the value of man" morals and words of the Torah in the handwriting of the Gaon Yitzchak Isaac Scher - 1919 - ...
LOT 40: Signed by Rabbi Rafael Shapira, Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin. Signed by Rabbi Rafael Shapira, Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin Rabbi Rafael Shapira, Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin (1837-1921), son of Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Rabbi of Kovna and son-in-law of the Natziv of Volozhin was renowned for his genius and ...
LOT 41: a letter in handwriting and signed by the great Gaon Rabbi Yitzhak Elchanan Spector. a letter in handwriting and signed by the great Gaon Rabbi Yitzhak Elchanan Spektor R. Yitzchok Elchonon Spektor (1817-1896), was renowned for his Torah genius, diligence and righteousness. He was the supreme ...
LOT 42: Letter with the holy signature of the Chofetz Chaim, Radin, 1926. Sent to Rabbi Pesach Akerman in Philadelphia R. Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin (ca.1838-1933), leader of the Jewish people, was widely known by the name of his first book, the Chafetz Chaim. He founded the Radin yeshiva and ...
LOT 43: Letter with a few words in the hand & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzenski. . Letter with a few words in the hand & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzenski. Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzenski (1863-1940), son of Rabbi David Shlomo – Rabbi of Iwie and son-in-law of (I) ...
LOT 44: Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality - A special & important letter by the famous Mashgiach Rabbi Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler Zt"l. Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality - A special & important letter by the famous Mashgiach Rabbi Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler Zt"l. ...
LOT 45: A page with the signature of Rabbi Yaakov Moshe of Amsterdam - writes the genealogy of his father, Rabbi Shaul of Amsterdam. Historic Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Lowenstam (1744-1815), Son of Rabbi Shaul ABD Amsterdam and son-in-law of his uncle – Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh ABD Berlin. Rabbi of Vilehn, and ...
LOT 46: Large Document Signed by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Heller and Community Leaders. Hungary. Document of large dimensions signed by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Heller and community leaders. Hungary, 1820 [?]. 41X26 cm. Unique Features: Includes a signature in Rabbi Heller’s holy handwriting, and those of three ...
LOT 47: Halachic Ruling Signed by the Maharam Mintz – 1824. Handwritten halachic ruling, containing a summary of the arguments by the claimant and the defendant. signed by Rabbi "Moshe Mintz of Brod". [Oven-Yashan, today Budapest), Rabbi Moshe Mintz [died in 1831, Ozar Ha’Rabbanim 14912] was a ...
LOT 48: A document with the rare signature of Rabbi Yitzchak Spitz, one of the greatest students of the Chasam Sofer רבי יצחק איצק ב"ר בנימין שפיץ (ה'תקכ"ו, 1766 – כ"ו אייר ה'תר"ב, 6 במאי 1842) אב"ד בדרעזניץ (סטרזניץ, ואחר כך רבה של בומסלא (היא בונצלאו, כיום מלאדה בולסלב) שבבוהמיה במשך קרוב לעשרים ...
LOT 49: Signed by The righteous Ga’on Rabbi Yissachar Ber Bloch, known as “Rabbi Ber Chassid” The righteous Ga’on Rabbi Yissachar Ber Bloch, known as “Rabbi Ber Chassid” (1730-1798), disciple of Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeshitz, exalted genius and holy divine giant who studied the concealed wisdom [to whom ...
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