LOT 1: Rare: Evel Yachid, Eulogy on Rabbi Yaakov Loberbaum of Lissa, Warsaw 1833, Only edition.Rabbi Yaakov Loberbaum (1770-1832), was born into a rabbinical family. Orphaned from his father, he studied under R. Yosef Thumim and R. Meshulam Igra. He served as Rav in various communities, most ...
LOT 2: Amudei Sheish. Sermons by Rabbi Shlomo Efraim Luntshitz, author of Klei Yakar.Leiden 1772. Published by Amsterdam printer. Pages:[2], 24 pp. Size: 21 x 26 cm. Condition: Very good condition. Old binding
LOT 3: Nachlas Shiva. Furth, [1692]. First edition. Nachlas Shiva. Responsa by Rabbi Shmuel br Dovid Moshe HaLevi. Furth. [1692]. On the title page: section two of Nachlas Shiva with responsa. First edition of the responsa. Pages: [2], 46 leaves. Size: 18.5 cm. Condition: Fine condition ...
LOT 4: Sheris Yisrael - Devek Me'ach, Berlin, 1787, Only Edition. 2 seforim in 1 volume. They were printed originally together. א. שארית ישראל, חידושים על מסכתות הש"ס, מאת רבי ישראל סגל הלוי. ב. דבק מאח, חידושים על מסכת נדה וליקוטים על הש"ס, מאת אחיו רבי אורי פייבל סגל. Size: 32 cm ...
LOT 5: Rosh David. Mantua, 1776. First Edition. Copy Belonging to Rabbi Yeshua HaLevi. The Only Sefer The Chida Printed in Mantua! Rosh David, novellae and homilies on the Parshiyot of the Torah. Authored by The Chida, Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai. On the title page appears a handwritten ...
LOT 6: Sefer Tevuos Yekev, Livarno 1820, Only edition.Size: 27.5 cm Pages: [8] 64. Condition: Very fine condition, stains to tile page, 1 pages slight trimmed to bottom text.
LOT 7: Divrei Zikaron. Amsterdam, 1705. First Edition. Rare. Signatures. Divrei Zikaron - a path for life, mussar to awaken the upright in their hearts with our Sages' words and riddles. Laws of ritual slaughter and examination, spiced with mussar... Rabbi Yosef Stadt Hagen. Dedicated title page for ...
LOT 10: Ha'Ohel Olam, Frankfurt DMein, 1714, Only edition.Size: 29.5 cm Condition: Overall in very fine condition, repair to first 2 pages effecting text.
LOT 11: Dam Bris. London 1900. First edition. Rare work on Metzitzah and on Bris Milah in general by Rev Alexander Tertis. In 1888 various infants in London tragically passed away shortly after their Bris. Rev Tertis invented an apparatus for Metzitzah and corresponded extensively with rabbinical ...
LOT 13: Halacha Berura, Metz 1793. Sefer Halacha Berura, Rabbi Uri Feivish Cohen Schlessinger, Av Beit Din of Metz. Homilies, "Aggados" and novellae on tractates Shabbas, Psachim, Beitza, Rosh Hashana, Yoma, Succa, Megillah, Chagigah, Gittin and Chulin. חתימת רבי מיכל ליב מונק אב"ד דאנציג ולעסלא ...
LOT 14: Mizrachi on the Torah, by R' Eliyahu Mizrachi, Furth, 1763. Special copy.היה שייך לרבי מאיר פאללאק ראב"ד פאפא (דודו של רבי משה יוסף האפמאן דיין דק"ק, וקנאו ממנו הגאון רבי צבי הירש מאגליד אב"ד סענטגרוד תלמיד של החתם סופר, והוא חתם את שמו בספרSize: 31.5 cm Condition: Very fine ...
LOT 16: Rashb"a, Furth 1751. Chiddushei Brachos [Gittin and Chulin and Baba Basra] L'HaRashba. Furth, 1751. Third edition with new approbations. Size: 33 cm Condition: Over all in fine-very fine condition, new binding.
LOT 17: Mishnas D’Rebbe Eliezer, Shklov 1819. First edition. By Rabbi Eliezer Av Beis Din of Slonim. On Messchtos Shabbas, Pesachim, Yevamos, Bava Metzia. Printed in the author's lifetime. Size: 33 cm Pages: 98 Condition: Overall in fine condition, repairs effecting text to first 2 pages ...
LOT 18: Ha'Ma'alos Li'Shlomo, Na Amun, 1894, First Edition. Sefer Ha'Ma'alos Li'Shlomo, "And it is Shem HaGedolim, second edition" – a compilation of the names of many Rabbis and books, most of which were printed after the death of the Chida and are not mentioned in his important book "Shem ...
LOT 19: Shir Ha-Shirim, with Aramaic translation and Arabic "Sherakh" of the Aramaic translation. 1905. Pages: 59, [1] leaves Size: 16 cm Condition: Very fine condition.
LOT 20: Divrei Nechemya Responsa (a Disciple of the Alter Rebbe) – Vilnius, 1866, First Edition. Size: 30 Condition: Fine condition, stains, some worm holes at the end. New binding.
LOT 21: Response Imrei Eish, Lemberg, 1852, First edition.Rabbi Meir ben Rabbi Yehuda Leib Eisenstadt (1780-1852), Rosh Yeshiva, Posek, one of the greatest rabbis and leaders of Orthodox Jewry of Hungary. Was one of the first disciples of the Chasam Sofer in Mattersdorf and Pressburg. The ...
LOT 22: Lev Chaim Responsa by Rabbi Chaim Palagi, Izmir, 1890, First edition. Volume 3. On Orach Chaim. Size: 19 cm Pages: [1], 130, 8. Condition: Overall in very fine condition, first 2 pages have small damages.
LOT 23: Rare: Yalkut Reuveni, Prague, 1660, First Edition. Ancient signatures. Yalkut Reuveni, anthology of kabbalistic and ethical passages from various books, arranged in alphabetical order, by R. Reuven Hoshke Katz. Size: 19 cm Pages: 142 [of 162], lacking last 20 pages. Condition: ...
LOT 24: Segulah: Nachlas Tzvi - Ken Meforeshes. Lemberg, 1873. First Edition Nachlas Tzvi by Rabbi Tzvi Gutmacher, and his father Rabbi Eliyahu Gutmacher, the "Tzaddik of Greiditz." Includes four works: 1 . Nachlas Tzvi, elucidation on the difficult topics in Tractate Yevamos. 2. Ken ...
LOT 25: Magnificent copy! Masas Binyamin. Metz 1776, Copy of R' Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman. Halachic responsa authored by R. Binyamin Aaron Solnick. R' Binyamin Aaron Solnick (died 1620) was a disciple of the Re’Mah and the Ma’HarShaL. He was one of the greatest poskim of his era and corresponded ...
LOT 27: Classic: Pischei Teshuva on Yorah Deah, Volume 1, Vilna 1836. Siman 1-182. Stefansky classics no. 192. Lacking 2 pages in the middle and is replaced in handwriting at the end of the sefer. Size: 19.5 cm Condition: Overall in very fine condition.
LOT 28: Passover Haggada. Vienna, [1929]. Picture of the Chasam Sofer and his family. Colorful illustrations and several picture-plates with large illustrations. In the picture of "the Sages" reclining in B'nei Brak, the Chasam Sofer and his family were drawn. Size: 30 cm Condition: Fine ...
LOT 29: Nesiv Chaim by the Korban Nathaniel, First Edition, Fuerth 1779. Sefer Nethiv Chaim. By the Gaon Rabbi Nathaniel Weil. Commentary to Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, along with commentaries Turei Zahav and Magen Abraham. Size: 19 cm Pages: [1] 23 Condition: Overall in very fine condition ...
LOT 30: Mikveh Yisroel. Chicago 1898. Lengthy halachic work dealing with the complex laws of Mikva’os. This work is considered by many bibliographers to be the first extensive halachic work published in America. With an approbation written by R. Yitzchok Elchonon Spektor a few weeks before he passed ...
LOT 31: Ruach Chaim by R. Chaim of Volozhin. Vilna 1858. First edition. Classic commentary on Tractate Avos authored by R. Chaim of Volozhin, drawing extensively on the teachings of the Vilna Gaon. With various approbations, including an approbation from R. Yisroel Salanter. R. Chaim of Volozhin ...
LOT 32: Sefer Ir Binyamin, by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf son of Shmuel. Frankfurt am der Oder, [1698]. First edition. Copy of Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis!R. Zelig Reuven Bengis (1864-1953), was born in Shnipishok (near Vilna) and was known as a prodigy from a young age. At seventeen he went to ...
LOT 33: Talmud Yerushalmi for Seder Kadshim. Forgery Talmud Yerushalmi. Seder Kadshim. Famed forgery of Shlomo Yeuda HaSephardi – Friedlander. [1909]. Section one: Zevachim, Erchin, [1909]. There is only Babylonian Talmud on Seder Kadshim, which relates to the work in the Holy Temple. The ...
LOT 34: Chayei Olam, Budapest 1943. Printed letter of Admor R' Ben Tzion of Bobov. Pages: [6] 80. Size: 20 cm Condition: Overall in very fine condition.
LOT 35: Beis Avraham, Ethical Will of Rabbi Avraham Danzig, Author of Chayei Adam, Vilna, 1821, First Edition.R. Avraham Danzig (1748-1820) studied under R. Yechezkel Landau (Noda B’Yehuda) in Prague and was then offered the position to be Rav of Vilna. He declined, and instead earned his ...
LOT 36: Classic: Machaneh Efraim, Constantinople, 1738, First edition. Torah novellae, halachic queries and responsa on Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam by Rabbi Efraim Navon. The Machaneh Efraim numbers among the prestigious works of Jewish literature and was enthusiastically received and studied both in ...
LOT 38: Tehillim Mishlei Koheles Shir HaShirim Paris 1632. Rare edition of Tehillim, Mishlei, Koheles and Shir Ha’Shirim. This edition is of particular interest as it features an interlinear Latin translation which was quite a remarkable achievement for that era. At the beginning of the book ...
LOT 39: Igeres Ayeles Ahavim - Amsterdam, 1665, First edition. By Solomon de Oliveyra, Rabbi of Amsterdam. Size: 14 cm Pages: 32, [2]. Condition: Very fine condition, cover a little loose.
LOT 40: Babylonian Talmud – Tractate Berachos, Fürth, 1829.Fine and Accurate Edition, of which only 2 Volumes Were Published. Size: 42.5 cm Condition: Very fine condition.
LOT 41: Shelosh Esreh Yesodei HaTorah by the Rambam, with an elucidation by the Ramag, the physician Mordechai Gomple Shnover. [Hamburg], [1792]. Only edition. Signatures and glosses. Size: 21 cm Pages: [2], 101, 101-102. Condition: Overall in very fine condition, title page is torn.
LOT 42: Kavod Chachamim. Venice, 1700, First edition. Compilations from Rabbi Yehuda Leib of Pinsk [Pochovitzer]. The book contains 32 chapters, including the Council of the Four Lands' regulations about burial, and decrees of the Rabbis of Poland about Shabbat observance. On page 92 is a chart of ...
LOT 43: Extremely Rare! Siddur Avodas Bora, Berlin, 1700. Ancient signatures. ספר עבודת סידור לימות החול ולליל שבת, עם ביאור על פי הסוד והרמז, וכוונות קבלה. לעסוק בו תדירא להתנצל מכל צרה וצוקה מהרה״ק רבי עקיבא בער מווינא. Pages: 46 Size: 19 cm Condition: Overall in fine-moderate condition ...
LOT 44: Sefer HaShorashim by the Radak, Venice 1547-1548. Sefer HaShorashim, roots of the Holy Tongue, by R. David Kimchi (the Radak) with explanations by R. Eliyahu Bachur. Venice: Justinian (Giustiniani), 1546-1548. Title page with a pretty wood-block engraving, and the beginning of each section ...
LOT 45: Classic: Sefer HaTerumah.Venice, in the Bomberg Printing Press, 1523. First edition. Halachic Rulings from Rabbi Baruch son of Yitzchak. On the sefer's title page: "Printed after extensive review, this magnificent book which is called Sefer HaTerumah..." contains 254 clauses of the laws of: ...
LOT 46: Shu”t She’aris Yosef . First Edition. Cracow, 1590. Variant. Halachic inquiries, responses and novella on the Mordechai by Rabbi Yosef Katz, dayan and Rosh Yeshivah in Cracow for over 50 years. Harav Yosef Katz (1511-1591) was one of the great Torah luminaries of the late 16th century. ...
LOT 47: Sefer Ha’ikarim with Eitz Shasul Commentary. Venice, 1618. The Foundational Principles of Judaism by Rabbi Yosef Albo with the commentary of Rabbi Gedalyah Lipshitz’s Eitz Shasul. Important approbations by the Maharshah, Maharam of Lublin, Shlah Hakadosh and Kli Yakar. Size: 26 cm ...
LOT 48: Ma'arich HaMa'arachos, Explanation of Roots of Hebrew Language. Paris, 1629. Ma'arich HaMa'arachos (Dictionarium Absolutissimum), dictionary of roots of Lashon HaKodesh (Hebrew), by Philippe D'Aquin. Size: 38 cm Pages: [10], 584. Lacking one on the Latin pages. Condition: Overall ...
LOT 49: Tzemach David, R' Dovid Ganz, Venice, 1587 Tzemach David, Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of Shorashim (root-letters), with explanations in Latin and Italian, by "Rabbi David min HaTapuchim, Doctor from the city of Spoleto" [David de Pomis]. Venice, 1587. Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin and Italian. ...
LOT 50: Rare: Hilchos Shechitos U’Bedikos. Mahari Weill. Venice 1549. First Edition. Responsa Mahar"i Weil, and Hilchot Shechitah U-Bdikah, Hidushin Mi-Sefer Agudah [by Rabbi Alexander Zuslin Ha-Cohen], and reasoning of Mahara"r Menahem Mirzburk. Venice 1549. Mahari Weill was a disciple of the ...
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