LOTE 103: With a Rare, Unknown Cover: Kuntres Ein Zocher - First Edition Published by Breslov Warsaw, 1928. Kuntres Ein Zocher, customs, regulations and advice for Breslov Chassidim, including Takanot haKibbutzim and Kibutz Klala al Rosh Hashana. With the rare, original cover, which is not listed by the ...
LOTE 105: Extremely Rare: All the Kuntresim of the Breslov Kuntres from Poland, Or Zore'ach - Sichot that were never Pubished by Rabbeinu Moharan of Breslov and His Disciples - Lodz, 1928-1929. Kuntres Or Zore'ach, novellae and elucidations, Sichot and stories by Rabbeinu Nachman of Breslov and his ...
LOTE 112: Printed Devotedly in the House of rabbi Nosson of Breslov: Likutei Moharan Kama and Tanina, the First Printed Together - Second Edition Breslov, 1821. The fundamental book of Breslov, a rare and most important edition that was printed devotedly in the house of Rabbi Nosson of Breslov, the ...
LOTE 113: Early and Rare Edition of the Book Kitzur Likkutei Moharan - Lemberg/Zholkva, 1849?. "מי האיש החכם וילמוד בספר הזה וישאהו בחיקו להגות בו כל ימי חייו אשרי לו בזה ובבא" Sefer Kitzur Likkutei Moharan, compiled by Rabbi Nosson of Breslov from Sefer Likkutei Moharan, in accordance with the will of ...
LOTE 115: Rare! Sefer LIkutei Moharan The First Edition in Eretz Yisrael with the Gilt Title Page and Letters - Jerusalem, 1874. Sefer Likutei Moharan "מי כמוהו מורה, היוצא בקדושה ובטהרה, מפי קודש קדשים, נבון לחש וחכם חרשים, ה"ה כבוד אדונינו מורינו ורבינו... נחל נובע מקור חכמה אור ישראל וקדושו... מורינו ...
LOTE 116: Likutei Moharan with the Illustration of the Gravesite and the Green Title Page - the Press of Rabbi Yehuda Tzigelman - Breslov Publishing, Warsaw, 1924. Sefer Likutei Moharan, seventh edition at the Chassidic Press by Rabbi Aharon Yehuda Tzigelman in Warsaw - Breslov publishing, 1924. (Kama): ...
LOTE 117: Likutei Moharan Two Sections - Important Edition with Additions Published b y Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz - Jerusalem, 1937. Sefer Likutei Moharan "הנכבד והנורא, מי כמוהו מורה, היוצא בקדושה ובטהרה, מפי קודש קדשים, נבון לחש וחכם חרשים, ה"ה כבוד אדונינו מורינו ורבינו... נחל נובע מקור חכמה אור ישראל ...
LOTE 118: Rare: The First Edition of the Tikkun Haklali that was Printed at the House of Rabbi Nosson of Breslov - Breslov, 1821. "הוציאו מהעלם אל הגילוי ה"ה אדמו"ו מוהר"ר נחמן זצוק"ל" A flowing river, the source of wisdom, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov revealed secrets to our worthless generation giving us ...
LOTE 119: Early and Rare Edition of Sefer Hamidot and Shemot Hatzaddikim - Lemberg / Zholkva, 1849-1855? . Segulah: Sefer hamidot and at its end, Kuntres Shemot Hatzaddikim by Rabbeinu Nachman of Breslov. This early edition was printed without the year and place of printing. According to researchers' ...
LOTE 121: Likutei Halachot Orach Chaim Section I - the Only One Published in the Lifetime of the Author Rabbi Nosson - First Edition Jassy, 1843. Sefer Likutei Halachot on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, "מוסר מוסד על התגלות נפלאות חידושי תורתו של אדמו"ר רבינו נחמן אור האורות זצוק"ל... ע"פ פקודתו ז"ל. לבאר ...
LOTE 122: Likutei Halachot Choshen Mishpat Section I - First Edition Lemberg, 1859. Likutei Halachot on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, "מוסר מוסד על התגלות נפלאות חידושי תורתו של אדמו"ר רבינו נחמן אור האורות זצוק"ל... ע"פ פקודתו ז"ל. לבאר ולחדש בכל הלכה והלכה מכל ד' חלקי הש"ע למצוא סמך וענין וטעם בכל ...
LOTE 123: Likutei Halachot Choshen Mishpat Section II and Even HaEzer- First Edition Lemberg, 1861. Likutei Halachot on Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, section II. And Even HaEzer, "מוסר מוסד על התגלות נפלאות חידושי תורתו של אדמו"ר רבינו נחמן אור האורות זצוק"ל... ע"פ פקודתו ז"ל. לבאר ולחדש בכל הלכה והלכה ...
LOTE 124: Likutei Halachot on Yoreh Deah - First Edition Zholkva, 1848. Likutei Halachot on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, a unique, groundbreaking work elucidating the nature of each and every Halach, based on the Kabbalah and the Torah and Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. By his leading disciple Rabbi Nosson ...
LOTE 125: Likutei Eitzot Section I and Section II - Russia-Poland, ca. 1840. Sefer Likutei Eitzot, "דרכים ישרים ועצות נפלאות... נובעים ויוצאים ממעין היוצא מבית ד' מתורתו של רבינו הקדוש מוהר"נ זצלל"ה לעורר ולחזק ולקרב את כל אדם מכל מקום שהוא, להנטותו לתחיה, להחלימו ולרפאו ולהחיותו לחיים אמתיים ונצחיים..". ...
LOTE 129: She'erit Hapletah: Shivchei HaRan with Sichot HaRan / Meshivat Nefesh and Tikkun Haklali - Germany, 1947. Sefer Shivchei HaRan with Sichot HaRan, facsimile edition of the Warsaw 1922 edition with a touching foreword referring to the relatives of the publisher, Dov Yoel ben Rabbi Natan Pinchas ...
LOTE 130: She'erit Hapletah: Likutei Moharan Apta - Regensburg, 1947. Sefer Likutei Moharan by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Facsimile edition of the Apta (Opatow) 1938 edition. Printed in Regensburg- Germany, 1947. Following the title page, commemoration of the family and friends of the publisher, “the ...
LOTE 131: Discovery! The Likutei Moharan of the Famed Mashpi'im: Many Glosses by Rabbi Shlomo Wexler and Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz on Their Copy of Likutei Moharan - Lemberg, 1876 . Exciting! LIkutei Moharan, well-worn from use and indicating it was repeatedly studied. On the margins of the leaves, many ...
LOTE 132: The Haggadah of the Breslov Saraf, the Tzaddik Rabbi Shmuel Shapira "Breslover": Haggadah shel Pesach Or Zore'ach - Second Edition Jerusalem, 1947. Leil Haseder with the Saraf, the Or Zore'ach Passover Haggadah which was used by the famed Chassid Rabbi Shmuel Shapira, who signed the book on the ...
LOTE 133: Copy of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender, the Leader of the Breslov Chassidim, which He Purchase at the Refugee Camps" Ohel Elimelech by the Holy Rav Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk - She'erit Hapletah Landsberg, 1948. Sefer Ohel Elimelech, Likutei Chidushei Torah, Sichot Yekarim, stories and tales by the ...
LOTE 134: The Holy Zohar Studied by the Leader of the Breslov Chassidim the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter Shalita in His Youth: Zohar Chadash - Warsaw, 1885. Zohar Chadash by the Divine Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah and Chamesh megillot, Tikunim and Midrash Hane'elam ...
LOTE 135: Copy of Rabbi Nachman Yisrael Borstein, One of the Eldest and Most Important Breslov Chassidim, with Comments Handwritten by Him. Volume with Breslov books: printed by the Union of Breslov Chassidim in Israel, in Jerusalem and Bnei Berak, 1961. Works by the Chassid Rabbi Avraham Chazan of ...
LOTE 136: Signature of the Famed Chassid Rabbi Nosson Borsky, the Grandson of Rabbeinu and a Letter Signed by the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi Herzog About Him. Three documents with important signatures documenting a loan taken by the famed Chassid Rabbi Nosson Borsky (Rabbeinu's Grandson) ...
LOTE 137: Signature of Rabbi Yisrael Odesser . Interesting document signed by Baal Hapetek Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, from the ledger of the Shver of the Admor Rabbi Yochanan of Rachmistrivka. A handwritten leaf from the ledger of the important Rav Rabbi Nachman Yosef Willhelm listing dozens of Jews of ...
LOTE 138: Original, Handwritten Signature of the Saba, Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, Baal Hapetek, One of the Leaders of the Breslov Chassidim in the Last Generation. Handwritten Signature of the Saba, Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odesser, Baal Hapetek, on a receipt from 1941. 10X13 cm. Stain, Good condition. The ...
LOTE 139: Lengthy Letter of Encouragement to Members of the Heichal HaKodesh Community, signed by Moharosh of Breslov - New York, 1986. "והנה עלינו אנשי שלומינו הקדושים 'חסידי ברסלב' תלמידי רביז"ל נפל חובת היום עכשיו ועלינו למסור את נפשינו במלא מובן המילה לגלות ולפרסם את לימודו הטוב" Letter of ...
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