LOT 179: Copy of the Wonder-Worker Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Bloch of Jerusalem with Many Glosses: Talmud Yerushalmi Zera'im - Kopust, 1812 Approbations by Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and the Gaon Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Talmud Yerushalmi, Masechet Berachot and the complete Seder Zera'im, with a ...
LOT 180: "Gift by the Gaon Author" Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir Hacohen of Radin: Sefer Shemirat Halashon Section II - First Edition Piotrkow, 1910. Sefer Shemirat Halashon Section II "בו יבואר שע"י שמירת כח הדבור מדיבורים אסורים יהיה קרבת הגאולה...". The second section of the famed work of the Chafetz Chaim ...
LOT 181: Almost Complete Set: 15 Volumes Chazon Ish First Editions - Vilna/Jerusalem, 1911-1951. Almost complete nice set including almost all sections of the famed basic book by Rabbi Avraham Karlitz who is known as the Chazon Ish after this series of books. 1. Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deag Hilchot Niddah ...
LOT 182: Significant Addition Handwritten by Maran the Steipler on His Book Kehilot Yaakov Section V - Jerusalem, 1945. Sefer Kehilot Yaakov, section V, the scholarly yet popular work of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky of Horonsteipel known as the Steipler, the brother-in-law of Maran the Chazon ...
LOT 183: Sharp Glosses Handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Berlin: Sefer Shenot Chaim and Sefer Stam by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger - First and Rare Edition Lemberg 1855-1856. First and rare edition on Sefer Shenot Chaim and Sefer Stam by the great Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Kluger Av Beit Din of Lemberg. "Which is the first ...
LOT 184: Extremely Rare in Perfect Condition: The Last Booklet of the Students of the Mir Yeshiva in Shanghai: Maor Torah Booklet II - Shanghai, 1946 . Booklet, Maor Torah, monthly for Halachic Torah novellae, booklet II published by the Maor Torah committee [the students of the Mir Yeshiva in Shanghai] ...
LOT 185: Copy with a Handwritten Dedication and Signature of the Author the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz: Sichot Mussar Twp Volumes - First Edition Jerusalem, 1971-1972. Two volumes of Sichot Mussar by Maran the Rosh Yeshiva the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz containing the content of the many Sichot ...
LOT 186: Hora'ah Semicha Document, Handwritten Entirely by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz the Rosh yeshiva of Mir - Jerusalem, 1966. Lengthy letter - Hora'ah Semicha, handwritten entirely by Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, the Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, addressed to the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Segal of Haifa - Jerusalem ...
LOT 187: Rare, Poetic Approbation Letter Handwritten and Signed by Maran Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler - Bnei berak, 1963. Rare, poetic letter of approbation, with many superlatives. handwritten and signed by Maran the Steipler - Bnei Berak, 1963. The letter of approbation was given to ...
LOT 188: Signature of the Author Rabbi Gershon Chanoch Fischman and Novellae and many Corrections Handwritten by Him on Trial Proofs of His Book Mei Hachag. Volume of mimeographed typewritten leaves containing the work Mei Hachag on Sfeika Derabbanan, elucidating Sugyot HaShas and the words of the ...
LOT 189: Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Maragaliot of Brod - Basic Book: Shut Bayit Chadash Hachadashot - First Edition Koretz, 1785. Sefer Shut Bayit Chadash Hachadashot, by the Gaon Rabbi Yoel Sirkish the author of Chidushei Habach on Raba'ah Turim, first edition - Koretz, 1785. 68 leaves. At ...
LOT 190: Pedigreed Copy with a Fine Calligraphic Dedication Handwritten and Signed by the Author of Arvei Eshkol: Maslul Bedikduk Leshon Hakodesh - First Edition, Hamburg 1788. Sefer Maslul Bedikduk Leshon Hakodesh, by Rabbi Chaim ben Naftali Keslin of Berlin, the grandson of the Baal Tosfot Yom Tov. - ...
LOT 191: Basic Book: Chidushei HaRan on Bava Metzi'a with the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger's Torot Printed for the First Time, in His Lifetime - First Edition Dhyrenfurth, 1822. Chidushei HaRan on Masechet Bava Metzi'a, by Rabbeinu Nissim Girondi, one of the Rishonim. First edition from an ancient manuscript ...
LOT 192: The Gemore of the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Landsberg, a Disciple and Dayan at the Beit Din of Rabbi Akiva Eiger in Posna - Notations and Glosses: Basic Book - Tractates of Seder Moed - Dhyrenfurth, 1800-1801 . Bavli Talmud, tractates Rosh Hashana, Yoma, Sukkah, Ta;anit, Shekalim (Yerushalmi) and ...
LOT 193: Signatures of the Kroli Rabbis, Disciples of the Chatam Sofer Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel, His Son-in-Law Rabbi Meir Perles and Rabbu Tuvia Gedalya Freund: Sefer Chavat Daat - Russia Poland, ca. 1815 . Sefer Chavat Daat, the famed work on the Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov of Lisa ...
LOT 194: Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Moshe Perles Av Beit Din of Bonyhad: Sefer Kol Bo - Edition with Additions Furth 1782 Handwritten Glosses. Sefer Kol Bo, a basic book on Halacha and Minhagim by an unknown author (see below). Edition with additions, a foreword and indices by Rabbi Meir ben Rabbi Eliezer of ...
LOT 195: The Midrash of the Rav that Merited Seeing Eliyahu: Midrash Rabba (Two Sections) of Rabbi Aryeh leibush Kahana Av Beit Din of Apahida - Vilna, 1897. Midrash Rabba on the Torah, with matnot Kehuna and Aseifat Ma'amarim, a volume with two section on Sefer Bamidbar, Sefer Devarim and Megillot Ruth ...
LOT 196: Corrections and a Dedication Handwritten by the Author: Ohel David by Rabbi David Deutsch Omissions and Novellae on Tractates Sukkah and Chagigah - First Edition Vienna, 11819. First edition of the book Ohel David authored by Rabbi David ben Rabbi Mendel Deutsch, "which is what has been omitted ...
LOT 197: Author's Stamps and His Handwritten Corrections - Volume with Books by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Deutsch Av Beit Din of Hanshovitz and Bonyhad, Hungary: Tzemach Hasadeh and Tevu'ot Hasadeh - First Editions 1897-1917. Volume with four books by Rabbi Eliezer Deutsch of Bonyhad, one of the leading ...
LOT 198: Pedigreed Copy: Sha'arei Binah on the Ancient Sefer Sha'arei Shvu'ot - First Edition, 1792. Sefer Sha'arei Binah, elucidation on Sefer Sha'arei Shvu'ot attributed to the Rif, by Rabbi Yoav Av Beit Din of Tzehlim, the son of Rabbi Yirmiya Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf. First edition - Wien, 1792/ ...
LOT 199: Dedication Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer Av Beit Din of Paks on His Father's Book Et Sofer Section III - First Edition Paks, 1892. Et Sofer Section III, authored by the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer Av Beit Din of Paks - First Edition Paks, 1892. [2], 98, [2] ...
LOT 200: Copy with Signatures and Glosses by the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Shalom Sofer Rosh Av Beit Din of Pest, the Son of the Machaneh Chaim: Sheilat Yavetz by Rabbi Yaakov Emden - Lemberg, 1884. Sefer Sheilat Yavetz, two section s(separate title page for each) authored by Rabbi Yaakov Emden known as the ...
LOT 201: First Time in Auctions! Copy of Rabbi Sheraga Feibel the Son of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Binyamin Sofer of Dretshke: Teshuvot Beit Hillel by Rabbi Hillel of Kolomyia and Additional Chassidic Books First Editions - First Edition Satmar, 1908. 1. Teshuvot Beit Hillel by Rabbi Hillel of Kolomyia. ...
LOT 202: Divrei Mussar with a Quote from Sefer Hatanya by the Admor Hazaken of Lubavitch Handwritten by the Tzaddik Wonder-Worker Rabbi Eliyahu Guttmacher of Greiditz . Two full pages, in dense script, containing Divrei Mussar and Jewish philosophy, handwritten by the Divine Kabbalist and wonder-worker ...
LOT 203: Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Glick Av Beit Din of Toltshva, Addressed to His Disciple Rabbi Chaim Brody Av Beit Din of Prague - Toltshva, 1905. "אשמח כי אוכל למלא חסרונך" Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Glick, the author of Yad ...
LOT 204: Letter Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ernfeld Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf, Addressed to Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Gaon Av Beit Din of HaEidah HaChareidit - Mattersdorf, 1929. Letter with interesting superlatives handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ernfeld Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf ...
LOT 205: Interesting Letter Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi David Yehuda Zilberstein Av Beit Din of Viṭtsen - Viṭtsen, 1940. Wedding invitation, handwritten and signed by the Gaon Rabbi David Yehuda Zilberstein, Av Beit Din of Viṭtsen (Vác). Addressed to Rabbi Froidiger of the Obudh family (one of the ...
LOT 206: Lengthy Gloss Handwritten by the Wonder-Worker the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich of Shamloy: Edut LeYisrael on Masechet Makot - First Edition Pressburg, 1839. Sefer Edut LeYisrael on Masechet Makot. Authored by the Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Zeev Katz Rappaport. With elucidations by the ...
LOT 207: Rabbinic Appointment Document Given to the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich Av Beit Din of Shamloy, for the Position of Rosh Av Beit Din of HaEidah HaChareidit of Jerusalem!. Lengthy rabbinic appointment document that was given to the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich Av ...
LOT 208: Historical Polemic: Letter of Defense against the Calim of the Yerushalmi being Forged Handwritten by the Famed Jerusalem Forger the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Friedlander - Satmaer, 1910. "וכל הרבנים והחכמים אמתיים עמדו לימיני" (And all the rabbis and true sages have supported me). Lengthy letter with ...
LOT 209: Especially Wide Margins: Volumes with Tractates Bechorot, Arachin, Kritut and Me'ilah of the Bavli Talmud - The Berlech Press Slavuta, 1805-1806. Tractates Bechorot, Arachin, Kritut and Me'ilah of the Bavli Talmud (including Mishnayot Kinim, Tamid and Midot), with Rashi's commentary and Tosfot ...
LOT 210: Fine Copy with Original Bindings: Complete Set of Hazohar Hakadosh - Shapiro Press Zhytomyr, 1863 Copy of the Rav of Safed the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Leib Zilberman. "Sefer Hazohar on the Torah by the Divine Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai... as printed in Kushtandina [1736-1737] practically leaf ...
LOT 211: Rare Condition! Ma'aneh Lashon - Zhytomyr, 1864. Sefer Ma'aneh Lashon, Seder Techinot for the cemetery and prayers by the graves of Tzaddikim. Printed by the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro, grandsons of the Rav of Slavuta - Zhytomyr, 1864. 68 leaves. Leaves 4-5 ...
LOT 212: Rare! Eshel Migdanot by the Nephew of the Sacred Brothers Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk and Rabbi Zusha of Anipoli - Single Edition Zholkva, 1808. Sefer Eshel Migdanot (Eshel - the initials of אלוהיות שכליות לימודיות), a moral, philosophical work in poetic language, by Rabbi Avraham ...
LOT 213: Handwritten Glosses! Kol Simcha by Rabbi Simcha Bonem of Pshischa - First Edition Breslov, 1859 . Sefer Kol Simcha, novellae on the Torah, Likutim and Talmudic novellae, by the holy Admor Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Pershischa, edited by the grandsons of the holy Rav - first edition, Breslov. The ...
LOT 214: Copy of the Admor of Gvoditz, a Rare Chassidic Book: Likutei Torah by the Maggid of Chernobyl - Second Publication of the First One Chernovich, 1859. Sefer Likutei Torah, Hadrachot, Divrei Mussar and Chassidut by the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Twersky of Chernobyl. Edited by his grandson Rabbi Zussia ...
LOT 215: Rare! Taharat Hanefesh - First Edition Chernovich, 1873. Sefer Taharat Hanefesh - elucidating forbidden things due to danger ... and elucidating human customs ... compiled from sacred books Rishonim and Acharonim, alphabetically ordered and in simple language... by me Yisrael Aharon ben Rabbi ...
LOT 216: Darkei Tshuvah (Munkatch) with a Rare Gilt Title Page that has Never been Seen - First Edition Vilna, 1892. Darkei Tshuvah, the comprehensive work of the Admor the Gaon Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Shapira Munkatch on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah. Section I and Ii, Hilchot Shechita and Treifot - first edition ...
LOT 217: Rare Approbations by the Admorim of Chernobyl: Zichron Yehoshua - Chassidut First Edition Zhyromyr 1900. Sefer Zochron Yehoshua "including three sections", novellae and elucidations on the Shas, section III titled Pri Yehoshua, includes also novellae and elucidations on the Aggadot and Midrashim ...
LOT 218: Siddur Segulah and Protection - Especially Fine Copy: First Edition of Siddur HaRamak Tefillah LeMoshe with Or HaYashar - Premishla, 1892. Siddur Tefillah, Chassidc Sephard custom, with the Kabbalistic commentary Tefillah LeMoshe by the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordovero of Safed, the Ramak. ...
LOT 219: Segulah Book in Rare Condition: Tehillim with the Ben Beiti Commentary by the Admor of Komarno - First Edition Ozharod-Ungvar, 1927 . Sefer Tehillim with the Ben Beiti Commentary, an important Chassidic commentary by the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Zvi Safrin and by his father Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac ...
LOT 220: Tur Choshen Mishpat and Even HaEzer with approbations by Leading Chassidic Rabbis - Mezhibuzh, 1818-1822. Two sections of Arba'ah Turim of a rare and important edition approbated by leading Chassidic rabbis. 3 volumes: 1. Choshen Mishpat, section I, printed in Mezhibuzh. Variant: the title ...
LOT 221: hazohar Hakadosh of Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Rubin, a Disciple of the Divrei Chaim with Signatures "Chaim Halberstam" - Krotshin, 1845. On the title page and the last leaf, stamps: " שמואל אהרן ראבין" - the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Rubin, the Rav of Krotshin, one of the Geonim of Galicia and a ...
LOT 222: Awe-Inspiring! Hazohar Hakadosh of the Admor the Holy Rav the Tzemach Tzaddik of Vizhnitz: Hazohar hakadosh Shemot Section - Krotshin, 1844. Sefer Hazohar Hakadosh, by the Divine Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, section II Sefer Shemot, proofread according to the Ari's glosses by Rabbi Shalom ...
LOT 223: Copy of the Admor Rabbi Yechiel Michl Hager of Horodanka-Vizhnitz: Rav Alfas on Bava Mezti'ah - Lemberg, 1864. Hilchot Rav Alfas, the Rif, on Bava Mezti'ah, printed alongside/in the Bavli Talmud of the press of Yissachar Bak and Avraham Yitzchak Menkis - Lemberg, 1864. 198, 48 leaves. In this ...
LOT 224: Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vishova (Vizhnitz) and the Rav of Ganich: Meged Shamayim on Pri Megadim - First Edition Krakow, 1895. Meged Shamayim, 4 sections, book on the deep scholarly book Pri Megadim on Yoreh Deah, by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Shtager. Containing most of the ...
LOT 225: Copy of the Admorim of Deyzh: Chukei Da'at on Yoreh Deah - First Edition Warsaw, 1871. Sefer Chukei Da'at, two sections, an important work on Yoreh Deah, question-answer format to help both one's understanding and memory. By the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Chaim Zheshevsky. First edition - Warsaw, 1871. ...
LOT 226: Copy of the Holy Rav Rabbi Elazar Oshpitziner, the Son-in-Law of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz: Sefer Kli Haro'im by Rabbeinu the Bnei Yissachar - Lemberg, 1850. Sefer Kli Haro'im by Rabbeinu the Bnei Yissachar - commentary on Sefer Ovadya, by Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Av Beit Din of Dinov (author of the ...
LOT 227: Basic Book! Copy of Rabbi Elazar Lifshitz the Son-in-Law of the Admor Hazaken of Alexander: Shut Chemdat Shlomo - First Edition and In the Author's Lifetime Warsaw, 1836. Shut Chemdat Shlomo, by the first Rav of Warsaw the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lifshitz, the son of Rabbi Itzak of Posna. First ...
LOT 228: The Haggadah of the Admor of Alexander: Passover Haggadah with Sefat Emet and Tiferet Shlomo - Second Edition Warsaw, 1930. Passover Haggadah with Sefat Emet by the Admor of Ger Rabbi Yehuda Leib Alter and Tiferet Shlomo by the Admor of Radomsk Rabbi Shlomo Hacohen Rabinovich - Second Edition ...
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